Source code for latools.processes.despiking

Functions for de-spiking LA-ICPMS data (outlier removal).

(c) Oscar Branson :
import numpy as np

# Despiking functions
[docs]def noise_despike(sig, win=3, nlim=24., maxiter=4): """ Apply standard deviation filter to remove anomalous values. Parameters ---------- win : int The window used to calculate rolling statistics. nlim : float The number of standard deviations above the rolling mean above which data are considered outliers. Returns ------- None """ if win % 2 != 1: win += 1 # win must be odd kernel = np.ones(win) / win # make convolution kernel over = np.ones(len(sig), dtype=bool) # initialize bool array # pad edges to avoid edge-effects npad = int((win - 1) / 2) over[:npad] = False over[-npad:] = False # set up monitoring nloops = 0 # do the despiking while any(over) and (nloops < maxiter): rmean = np.convolve(sig, kernel, 'valid') # mean by convolution rstd = rmean**0.5 # std = sqrt(signal), because count statistics # identify where signal > mean + std * nlim (OR signa < mean - std * # nlim) # | (sig[npad:-npad] < rmean - nlim * rstd) over[npad:-npad] = (sig[npad:-npad] > rmean + nlim * rstd) # if any are over, replace them with mean of neighbours if any(over): # replace with values either side # sig[over] = sig[np.roll(over, -1) | np.roll(over, 1)].reshape((sum(over), 2)).mean(1) # replace with mean sig[npad:-npad][over[npad:-npad]] = rmean[over[npad:-npad]] nloops += 1 # repeat until no more removed. return sig
[docs]def expdecay_despike(sig, expdecay_coef, tstep, maxiter=3): """ Apply exponential decay filter to remove physically impossible data based on instrumental washout. The filter is re-applied until no more points are removed, or maxiter is reached. Parameters ---------- exponent : float Exponent used in filter tstep : float The time increment between data points. maxiter : int The maximum number of times the filter should be applied. Returns ------- None """ # determine rms noise of data noise = np.std(sig[:5]) # initially, calculated based on first 5 points # expand the selection up to 50 points, unless it dramatically increases # the std (i.e. catches the 'laser on' region) for i in [10, 20, 30, 50]: inoise = np.std(sig[:i]) if inoise < 1.5 * noise: noise = inoise rms_noise3 = 3 * noise i = 0 f = True while (i < maxiter) and f: # calculate low and high possibles values based on exponential decay siglo = np.roll(sig * np.exp(tstep * expdecay_coef), 1) sighi = np.roll(sig * np.exp(-tstep * expdecay_coef), -1) # identify points that are outside these limits, beyond what might be explained # by noise in the data loind = (sig < siglo - rms_noise3) & (sig < np.roll(sig, -1) - rms_noise3) hiind = (sig > sighi + rms_noise3) & (sig > np.roll(sig, 1) + rms_noise3) # replace all such values with their preceding sig[loind] = sig[np.roll(loind, -1)] sig[hiind] = sig[np.roll(hiind, -1)] f = any(np.concatenate([loind, hiind])) i += 1 return sig