Source code for latools.helpers.stat_fns

Functions for calculating statistics and handling uncertainties.

(c) Oscar Branson :

import numpy as np
import uncertainties.unumpy as un
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

[docs]def nan_pearsonr(x, y): xy = np.vstack([x, y]) xy = xy[:, ~np.any(np.isnan(xy),0)] n = len(x) if xy.shape[-1] < n // 2: return np.nan, np.nan return pearsonr(xy[0], xy[1])
[docs]def R2calc(meas, model, force_zero=False): if force_zero: SStot = np.sum(meas**2) else: SStot = np.sum((meas - np.nanmean(meas))**2) SSres = np.sum((meas - model)**2) return 1 - (SSres / SStot)
# uncertainties unpackers
[docs]def unpack_uncertainties(uarray): """ Convenience function to unpack nominal values and uncertainties from an ``uncertainties.uarray``. Returns: (nominal_values, std_devs) """ try: return un.nominal_values(uarray), un.std_devs(uarray) except: return uarray, None
[docs]def nominal_values(a): try: return un.nominal_values(a) except: return a
[docs]def std_devs(a): try: return un.std_devs(a) except: return a
[docs]def gauss_weighted_stats(x, yarray, x_new, fwhm): """ Calculate gaussian weigted moving mean, SD and SE. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The independent variable yarray : (n,m) array Where n = x.size, and m is the number of dependent variables to smooth. x_new : array-like The new x-scale to interpolate the data fwhm : int FWHM of the gaussian kernel. Returns ------- (mean, std, se) : tuple """ sigma = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) # create empty mask array mask = np.zeros((x.size, yarray.shape[1], x_new.size)) # fill mask for i, xni in enumerate(x_new): mask[:, :, i] = gauss(x[:, np.newaxis], 1, xni, sigma) # normalise mask nmask = mask / mask.sum(0) # sum of each gaussian = 1 # calculate moving average av = (nmask * yarray[:, :, np.newaxis]).sum(0) # apply mask to data # sum along xn axis to get means # calculate moving sd diff = np.power(av - yarray[:, :, np.newaxis], 2) std = np.sqrt((diff * nmask).sum(0)) # sqrt of weighted average of data-mean # calculate moving se se = std / np.sqrt(mask.sum(0)) # max amplitude of weights is 1, so sum of weights scales # a fn of how many points are nearby. Use this as 'n' in # SE calculation. return av, std, se
[docs]def gauss(x, *p): """ Gaussian function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Independent variable. *p : parameters unpacked to A, mu, sigma A = amplitude, mu = centre, sigma = width Return ------ array_like gaussian descriped by *p. """ A, mu, sigma = p return A * np.exp(-0.5 * (-mu + x)**2 / sigma**2)
# Statistical Functions
[docs]def stderr(a): """ Calculate the standard error of a. """ return np.nanstd(a) / np.sqrt(sum(np.isfinite(a)))
# Robust Statistics. See: # - # - # - # -
[docs]def H15_mean(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust mean of x. For details, see: """ mu = np.nanmean(x) sd = np.nanstd(x) * 1.134 sig = 1.5 hi = x > mu + sig * sd lo = x < mu - sig * sd if any(hi | lo): x[hi] = mu + sig * sd x[lo] = mu - sig * sd return H15_mean(x) else: return mu
[docs]def H15_std(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust standard deviation of x. For details, see: """ mu = np.nanmean(x) sd = np.nanstd(x) * 1.134 sig = 1.5 hi = x > mu + sig * sd lo = x < mu - sig * sd if any(hi | lo): x[hi] = mu + sig * sd x[lo] = mu - sig * sd return H15_std(x) else: return sd
[docs]def H15_se(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust standard deviation of x. For details, see: """ sd = H15_std(x) return sd / np.sqrt(sum(np.isfinite(x)))
[docs]def get_total_n_points(d): """ Returns the total number of data points in values of dict. Paramters --------- d : dict """ n = 0 for di in d.values(): n += len(di) return n
[docs]def get_total_time_span(d): """ Returns total length of analysis. """ tmax = 0 for di in d.values(): if di.uTime.max() > tmax: tmax = di.uTime.max() return tmax
[docs]class un_interp1d(object): """ object for handling interpolation of values with uncertainties. """ def __init__(self, x, y, fill_value=np.nan, **kwargs): if isinstance(fill_value, tuple): nom_fill = tuple([un.nominal_values(v) for v in fill_value]) std_fill = tuple([un.std_devs(v) for v in fill_value]) else: nom_fill = std_fill = fill_value self.nom_interp = interp.interp1d(un.nominal_values(x), un.nominal_values(y), fill_value=nom_fill, **kwargs) self.std_interp = interp.interp1d(un.nominal_values(x), un.std_devs(y), fill_value=std_fill, **kwargs)
[docs] def new(self, xn): yn = self.nom_interp(xn) yn_err = self.std_interp(xn) return un.uarray(yn, yn_err)
[docs] def new_nom(self, xn): return self.nom_interp(xn)
[docs] def new_std(self, xn): return self.std_interp(xn)
[docs]def stack_keys(ddict, keys, extra=None): """ Combine elements of ddict into an array of shape (len(ddict[key]), len(keys)). Useful for preparing data for sklearn. Parameters ---------- ddict : dict A dict containing arrays or lists to be stacked. Must be of equal length. keys : list or str The keys of dict to stack. Must be present in ddict. extra : list (optional) A list of additional arrays to stack. Elements of extra must be the same length as arrays in ddict. Extras are inserted as the first columns of output. """ if isinstance(keys, str): d = [ddict[keys]] else: d = [ddict[k] for k in keys] if extra is not None: d = extra + d return np.vstack(d).T