Source code for latools.filtering.classifier_obj

import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
import sklearn.cluster as cl

from latools.helpers.stat_fns import nominal_values

[docs]class classifier(object): def __init__(self, analytes, sort_by=0): """ Object to fit then apply a classifier. Parameters ---------- analytes : str or array-like The analytes used by the clustring algorithm Returns ------- classifier object """ if isinstance(analytes, str): self.analytes = [analytes] else: self.analytes = analytes self.sort_by = sort_by return
[docs] def format_data(self, data, scale=True): """ Function for converting a dict to an array suitable for sklearn. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dict of data, containing all elements of `analytes` as items. scale : bool Whether or not to scale the data. Should always be `True`, unless used by `classifier.fitting_data` where a scaler hasn't been created yet. Returns ------- A data array suitable for use with `sklearn.cluster`. """ if len(self.analytes) == 1: # if single analyte d = nominal_values(data[self.analytes[0]]) ds = np.array(list(zip(d, np.zeros(len(d))))) else: # package multiple analytes d = [nominal_values(data[a]) for a in self.analytes] ds = np.vstack(d).T # identify all nan values finite = np.isfinite(ds).sum(1) == ds.shape[1] # remember which values are sampled sampled = np.arange(data[self.analytes[0]].size)[finite] # remove all nan values ds = ds[finite] if scale: ds = self.scaler.transform(ds) return ds, sampled
[docs] def fitting_data(self, data): """ Function to format data for cluster fitting. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dict of data, containing all elements of `analytes` as items. Returns ------- A data array for initial cluster fitting. """ ds_fit, _ = self.format_data(data, scale=False) # define scaler self.scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(ds_fit) # scale data and return return self.scaler.transform(ds_fit)
[docs] def fit_kmeans(self, data, n_clusters, **kwargs): """ Fit KMeans clustering algorithm to data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like A dataset formatted by `classifier.fitting_data`. n_clusters : int The number of clusters in the data. **kwargs passed to `sklearn.cluster.KMeans`. Returns ------- Fitted `sklearn.cluster.KMeans` object. """ km = cl.KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, **kwargs) return km
[docs] def fit_meanshift(self, data, bandwidth=None, bin_seeding=False, **kwargs): """ Fit MeanShift clustering algorithm to data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like A dataset formatted by `classifier.fitting_data`. bandwidth : float The bandwidth value used during clustering. If none, determined automatically. Note: the data are scaled before clutering, so this is not in the same units as the data. bin_seeding : bool Whether or not to use 'bin_seeding'. See documentation for `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift`. **kwargs passed to `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift`. Returns ------- Fitted `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift` object. """ if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = cl.estimate_bandwidth(data) ms = cl.MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=bin_seeding) return ms
[docs] def fit(self, data, method='kmeans', **kwargs): """ fit classifiers from large dataset. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dict of data for clustering. Must contain items with the same name as analytes used for clustering. method : str A string defining the clustering method used. Can be: * 'kmeans' : K-Means clustering algorithm * 'meanshift' : Meanshift algorithm n_clusters : int *K-Means only*. The numebr of clusters to identify bandwidth : float *Meanshift only.* The bandwidth value used during clustering. If none, determined automatically. Note: the data are scaled before clutering, so this is not in the same units as the data. bin_seeding : bool *Meanshift only.* Whether or not to use 'bin_seeding'. See documentation for `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift`. **kwargs : passed to `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift`. Returns ------- list """ self.method = method ds_fit = self.fitting_data(data) mdict = {'kmeans': self.fit_kmeans, 'meanshift': self.fit_meanshift} clust = mdict[method] self.classifier = clust(data=ds_fit, **kwargs) # sort cluster centers by value of first column, to avoid random variation. c0 = self.classifier.cluster_centers_.T[self.sort_by] self.classifier.cluster_centers_ = self.classifier.cluster_centers_[np.argsort(c0)] # recalculate the labels, so it's consistent with cluster centers self.classifier.labels_ = self.classifier.predict(ds_fit) self.classifier.ulabels_ = np.unique(self.classifier.labels_) return
[docs] def predict(self, data): """ Label new data with cluster identities. Parameters ---------- data : dict A data dict containing the same analytes used to fit the classifier. sort_by : str The name of an analyte used to sort the resulting clusters. If None, defaults to the first analyte used in fitting. Returns ------- array of clusters the same length as the data. """ size = data[self.analytes[0]].size ds, sampled = self.format_data(data) # predict clusters cs = self.classifier.predict(ds) # map clusters to original index clusters = self.map_clusters(size, sampled, cs) return clusters
[docs] def map_clusters(self, size, sampled, clusters): """ Translate cluster identity back to original data size. Parameters ---------- size : int size of original dataset sampled : array-like integer array describing location of finite values in original data. clusters : array-like integer array of cluster identities Returns ------- list of cluster identities the same length as original data. Where original data are non-finite, returns -2. """ ids = np.zeros(size, dtype=int) ids[:] = -2 ids[sampled] = clusters return ids
[docs] def sort_clusters(self, data, cs, sort_by): """ Sort clusters by the concentration of a particular analyte. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dataset containing sort_by as a key. cs : array-like An array of clusters, the same length as values of data. sort_by : str analyte to sort the clusters by Returns ------- array of clusters, sorted by mean value of sort_by analyte. """ # label the clusters according to their contents sdat = data[sort_by] means = [] nclusts = np.arange(cs.max() + 1) for c in nclusts: means.append(np.nanmean(sdat[cs == c])) # create ranks means = np.array(means) rank = np.zeros(means.size) rank[np.argsort(means)] = np.arange(means.size) csn = cs.copy() for c, o in zip(nclusts, rank): csn[cs == c] = o return csn