Source code for latools.filtering.filt_obj

An object used for storing, manipulating and modifying data filters.

import re
import numpy as np
from difflib import SequenceMatcher as seqm
from latools.helpers.helpers import bool_2_indices

[docs]class filt(object): """ Container for creating, storing and selecting data filters. Parameters ---------- size : int The length that the filters need to be (should be the same as your data). analytes : array_like A list of the analytes measured in your data. Attributes ---------- size : int The length that the filters need to be (should be the same as your data). analytes : array_like A list of the analytes measured in your data. components : dict A dict containing each individual filter that has been created. info : dict A dict containing descriptive information about each filter in `components`. params : dict A dict containing the parameters used to create each filter, which can be passed directly to the corresponding filter function to recreate the filter. switches : dict A dict of boolean switches specifying which filters are active for each analyte. keys : dict A dict of logical strings specifying which filters are applied to each analyte. sequence : dict A numbered dict specifying what order the filters were applied in (for some filters, order matters). n : int The number of filters applied to the data. """ def __init__(self, size, analytes): self.size = size self.analytes = analytes self.index = {} self.sets = {} self.maxset = -1 self.components = {} = {} self.params = {} self.keys = {} self.n = 0 self.switches = {} self.sequence = {} for a in self.analytes: self.switches[a] = {} def __repr__(self): apad = max([len(a) for a in self.analytes] + [7]) astr = '{:' + '{:.0f}'.format(apad) + 's}' leftpad = max([len(s) for s in self.components.keys()] + [11]) + 2 out = '{string:{number}s}'.format(string='n', number=3) out += '{string:{number}s}'.format(string='Filter Name', number=leftpad) for a in self.analytes: out += astr.format(a) out += '\n' reg = re.compile('[0-9]+_(.*)') for n, t in self.index.items(): out += '{string:{number}s}'.format(string=str(n), number=3) tn = reg.match(t).groups()[0] out += '{string:{number}s}'.format(string=str(tn), number=leftpad) for a in self.analytes: out += astr.format(str(self.switches[a][t])) out += '\n' return(out)
[docs] def add(self, name, filt, info='', params=(), setn=None): """ Add filter. Parameters ---------- name : str filter name filt : array_like boolean filter array info : str informative description of the filter params : tuple parameters used to make the filter Returns ------- None """ iname = '{:.0f}_'.format(self.n) + name self.index[self.n] = iname if setn is None: setn = self.maxset + 1 self.maxset = setn if setn not in self.sets.keys(): self.sets[setn] = [iname] else: self.sets[setn].append(iname) # self.keys is not added to? self.components[iname] = filt[iname] = info self.params[iname] = params for a in self.analytes: self.switches[a][iname] = False self.n += 1 return
[docs] def remove(self, name=None, setn=None): """ Remove filter. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the filter to remove setn : int or True int: number of set to remove True: remove all filters in set that 'name' belongs to Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(name, int): name = self.index[name] if setn is not None: name = self.sets[setn] del self.sets[setn] elif isinstance(name, (int, str)): name = [name] if setn is True: for n in name: for k, v in self.sets.items(): if n in v: name.append([m for m in v if m != n]) for n in name: for k, v in self.sets.items(): if n in v: self.sets[k] = [m for m in v if n != m] del self.components[n] del[n] del self.params[n] del self.keys[n] for a in self.analytes: del self.switches[a][n] return
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all filters. """ self.components = {} = {} self.params = {} self.switches = {} self.keys = {} self.index = {} self.sets = {} self.maxset = -1 self.n = 0 for a in self.analytes: self.switches[a] = {} return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Remove unused filters. """ for f in sorted(self.components.keys()): unused = not any(self.switches[a][f] for a in self.analytes) if unused: self.remove(f)
[docs] def on(self, analyte=None, filt=None): """ Turn on specified filter(s) for specified analyte(s). Parameters ---------- analyte : optional, str or array_like Name or list of names of analytes. Defaults to all analytes. filt : optional. int, str or array_like Name/number or iterable names/numbers of filters. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(analyte, str): analyte = [analyte] if isinstance(filt, (int, float)): filt = [filt] elif isinstance(filt, str): filt = self.fuzzmatch(filt, multi=True) if analyte is None: analyte = self.analytes if filt is None: filt = list(self.index.values()) for a in analyte: for f in filt: if isinstance(f, (int, float)): f = self.index[int(f)] try: self.switches[a][f] = True except KeyError: f = self.fuzzmatch(f, multi=False) self.switches[a][f] = True # for k in self.switches[a].keys(): # if f in k: # self.switches[a][k] = True return
[docs] def off(self, analyte=None, filt=None): """ Turn off specified filter(s) for specified analyte(s). Parameters ---------- analyte : optional, str or array_like Name or list of names of analytes. Defaults to all analytes. filt : optional. int, list of int or str Number(s) or partial string that corresponds to filter name(s). Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(analyte, str): analyte = [analyte] if isinstance(filt, (int, float)): filt = [filt] elif isinstance(filt, str): filt = self.fuzzmatch(filt, multi=True) if analyte is None: analyte = self.analytes if filt is None: filt = list(self.index.values()) for a in analyte: for f in filt: if isinstance(f, int): f = self.index[f] try: self.switches[a][f] = False except KeyError: f = self.fuzzmatch(f, multi=False) self.switches[a][f] = False # for k in self.switches[a].keys(): # if f in k: # self.switches[a][k] = False return
[docs] def make(self, analyte): """ Make filter for specified analyte(s). Filter specified in filt.switches. Parameters ---------- analyte : str or array_like Name or list of names of analytes. Returns ------- array_like boolean filter """ if analyte is None: analyte = self.analytes elif isinstance(analyte, str): analyte = [analyte] out = [] for f in self.components.keys(): for a in analyte: if self.switches[a][f]: out.append(f) key = ' & '.join(sorted(out)) for a in analyte: self.keys[a] = key return self.make_fromkey(key)
[docs] def fuzzmatch(self, fuzzkey, multi=False): """ Identify a filter by fuzzy string matching. Partial ('fuzzy') matching performed by `fuzzywuzzy.fuzzy.ratio` Parameters ---------- fuzzkey : str A string that partially matches one filter name more than the others. Returns ------- The name of the most closely matched filter. : str """ keys, ratios = np.array([(f, seqm(None, fuzzkey, f).ratio()) for f in self.components.keys()]).T mratio = max(ratios) if multi: return keys[ratios == mratio] else: if sum(ratios == mratio) == 1: return keys[ratios == mratio][0] else: raise ValueError("\nThe filter key provided ('{:}') matches two or more filter names equally well:\n".format(fuzzkey) + ', '.join(keys[ratios == mratio]) + "\nPlease be more specific!")
[docs] def make_fromkey(self, key): """ Make filter from logical expression. Takes a logical expression as an input, and returns a filter. Used for advanced filtering, where combinations of nested and/or filters are desired. Filter names must exactly match the names listed by print(filt). Example: ``key = '(Filter_1 | Filter_2) & Filter_3'`` is equivalent to: ``(Filter_1 OR Filter_2) AND Filter_3`` statements in parentheses are evaluated first. Parameters ---------- key : str logical expression describing filter construction. Returns ------- array_like boolean filter """ if key != '': def make_runable(match): return "self.components['" + self.fuzzmatch( + "']" runable = re.sub('[^\(\)|& ]+', make_runable, key) return eval(runable) else: return ~np.zeros(self.size, dtype=bool)
[docs] def make_keydict(self, analyte=None): """ Make logical expressions describing the filter(s) for specified analyte(s). Parameters ---------- analyte : optional, str or array_like Name or list of names of analytes. Defaults to all analytes. Returns ------- dict containing the logical filter expression for each analyte. """ if analyte is None: analyte = self.analytes elif isinstance(analyte, str): analyte = [analyte] out = {} for a in analyte: key = [] for f in self.components.keys(): if self.switches[a][f]: key.append(f) out[a] = ' & '.join(sorted(key)) self.keydict = out return out
[docs] def grab_filt(self, filt, analyte=None): """ Flexible access to specific filter using any key format. Parameters ---------- f : str, dict or bool either logical filter expression, dict of expressions, or a boolean analyte : str name of analyte the filter is for. Returns ------- array_like boolean filter """ if isinstance(filt, str): if filt in self.components: if analyte is None: return self.components[filt] else: if self.switches[analyte][filt]: return self.components[filt] else: try: ind = self.make_fromkey(filt) except KeyError: print(("\n\n***Filter key invalid. Please consult " "manual and try again.")) elif isinstance(filt, dict): try: ind = self.make_fromkey(filt[analyte]) except ValueError: print(("\n\n***Filter key invalid. Please consult manual " "and try again.\nOR\nAnalyte missing from filter " "key dict.")) elif filt: ind = self.make(analyte) else: ind = ~np.zeros(self.size, dtype=bool) return ind
[docs] def get_components(self, key, analyte=None): """ Extract filter components for specific analyte(s). Parameters ---------- key : str string present in one or more filter names. e.g. 'Al27' will return all filters with 'Al27' in their names. analyte : str name of analyte the filter is for Returns ------- boolean filter : array-like """ out = {} for k, v in self.components.items(): if key in k: if analyte is None: out[k] = v elif self.switches[analyte][k]: out[k] = v return out
[docs] def get_info(self): """ Get info for all filters. """ out = '' for k in sorted(self.components.keys()): out += '{:s}: {:s}'.format(k,[k]) + '\n' return(out)
## TODO: [Low Priority] Re-write filt object to use pandas? # class filt(object): # def __init__(self, size, analytes): # self.size = size # self.analytes = analytes # self.filter_table = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[], []], labels=[[], []], names=['N', 'desc']), # columns=self.analytes) # self.filters = Bunch() # self.param = Bunch() # = Bunch() # self.N = 0 # def __repr__(self): # pass # def add(self, name, filt, info='', params=()): # self.filters[self.N] = filt # self.param[self.N] = params #[self.N] = info # self.filter_table.loc[(self.N, name), :] = False # self.N += 1 # def remove(self): # pass # def clear(self): # self.__init__(self.size, self.analytes) # def clean(self): # pass # def on(self): # pass # def off(self): # pass # def make(self): # pass # def fuzzmatch(self): # pass # def make_fromkey(self): # pass # def make_keydict(self): # pass # def grab_filt(self): # pass # def get_components(self): # pass # def get_info(self): # pass