Source code for latools.helpers.stat_fns

import numpy as np
import uncertainties.unumpy as un

[docs]def R2calc(meas, model, force_zero=False): if force_zero: SStot = np.sum(meas**2) else: SStot = np.sum((meas - np.nanmean(meas))**2) SSres = np.sum((meas - model)**2) return 1 - (SSres / SStot)
# uncertainties unpackers
[docs]def unpack_uncertainties(uarray): """ Convenience function to unpack nominal values and uncertainties from an ``uncertainties.uarray``. Returns: (nominal_values, std_devs) """ try: return un.nominal_values(uarray), un.std_devs(uarray) except: return uarray, None
[docs]def nominal_values(a): try: return un.nominal_values(a) except: return a
[docs]def std_devs(a): try: return un.std_devs(a) except: return a
[docs]def gauss_weighted_stats(x, yarray, x_new, fwhm): """ Calculate gaussian weigted moving mean, SD and SE. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The independent variable yarray : (n,m) array Where n = x.size, and m is the number of dependent variables to smooth. x_new : array-like The new x-scale to interpolate the data fwhm : int FWHM of the gaussian kernel. Returns ------- (mean, std, se) : tuple """ sigma = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) # create empty mask array mask = np.zeros((x.size, yarray.shape[1], x_new.size)) # fill mask for i, xni in enumerate(x_new): mask[:, :, i] = gauss(x[:, np.newaxis], 1, xni, sigma) # normalise mask nmask = mask / mask.sum(0) # sum of each gaussian = 1 # calculate moving average av = (nmask * yarray[:, :, np.newaxis]).sum(0) # apply mask to data # sum along xn axis to get means # calculate moving sd diff = np.power(av - yarray[:, :, np.newaxis], 2) std = np.sqrt((diff * nmask).sum(0)) # sqrt of weighted average of data-mean # calculate moving se se = std / np.sqrt(mask.sum(0)) # max amplitude of weights is 1, so sum of weights scales # a fn of how many points are nearby. Use this as 'n' in # SE calculation. return av, std, se
[docs]def gauss(x, *p): """ Gaussian function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Independent variable. *p : parameters unpacked to A, mu, sigma A = amplitude, mu = centre, sigma = width Return ------ array_like gaussian descriped by *p. """ A, mu, sigma = p return A * np.exp(-0.5 * (-mu + x)**2 / sigma**2)
# Statistical Functions
[docs]def stderr(a): """ Calculate the standard error of a. """ return np.nanstd(a) / np.sqrt(sum(np.isfinite(a)))
# Robust Statistics. See: # - # - # - # -
[docs]def H15_mean(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust mean of x. For details, see: """ mu = np.nanmean(x) sd = np.nanstd(x) * 1.134 sig = 1.5 hi = x > mu + sig * sd lo = x < mu - sig * sd if any(hi | lo): x[hi] = mu + sig * sd x[lo] = mu - sig * sd return H15_mean(x) else: return mu
[docs]def H15_std(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust standard deviation of x. For details, see: """ mu = np.nanmean(x) sd = np.nanstd(x) * 1.134 sig = 1.5 hi = x > mu + sig * sd lo = x < mu - sig * sd if any(hi | lo): x[hi] = mu + sig * sd x[lo] = mu - sig * sd return H15_std(x) else: return sd
[docs]def H15_se(x): """ Calculate the Huber (H15) Robust standard deviation of x. For details, see: """ sd = H15_std(x) return sd / np.sqrt(sum(np.isfinite(x)))