Source code for latools.filtering.signal_optimiser

Functions for automatic selection optimisation.
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import bayes_mvs
from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
from latools.helpers.helpers import Bunch, rolling_window, nominal_values, bool_2_indices, _warning
from latools.helpers.plot import tplot

warnings.showwarning = _warning

[docs]def calc_windows(fn, s, min_points): """ Apply fn to all contiguous regions in s that have at least min_points. """ max_points = np.sum(~np.isnan(s)) n_points = max_points - min_points out = np.full((n_points, s.size), np.nan) # skip nans, for speed ind = ~np.isnan(s) s = s[ind] for i, w in enumerate(range(min_points, s.size)): r = rolling_window(s, w, pad=np.nan) out[i, ind] = np.apply_along_axis(fn, 1, r) return out
[docs]def calc_window_mean_std(s, min_points, ind=None): """ Apply fn to all contiguous regions in s that have at least min_points. """ max_points = np.sum(~np.isnan(s)) n_points = max_points - min_points mean = np.full((n_points, s.size), np.nan) std = np.full((n_points, s.size), np.nan) # skip nans, for speed if ind is None: ind = ~np.isnan(s) else: ind = ind & ~np.isnan(s) s = s[ind] for i, w in enumerate(range(min_points, s.size)): r = rolling_window(s, w, pad=np.nan) mean[i, ind] = r.sum(1) / w std[i, ind] = (((r - mean[i, ind][:, np.newaxis])**2).sum(1) / (w - 1))**0.5 # mean[i, ind] = np.apply_along_axis(np.nanmean, 1, r) # std[i, ind] = np.apply_along_axis(np.nanstd, 1, r) return mean, std
[docs]def scale(s): """ Remove the mean, and divide by the standard deviation. """ return (s - np.nanmean(s)) / np.nanstd(s)
[docs]def bayes_scale(s): """ Remove mean and divide by standard deviation, using bayes_kvm statistics. """ if sum(~np.isnan(s)) > 1: bm, bv, bs = bayes_mvs(s[~np.isnan(s)]) return (s - bm.statistic) / bs.statistic else: return np.full(s.shape, np.nan)
[docs]def median_scaler(s): """ Remove median, divide by IQR. """ if sum(~np.isnan(s)) > 2: ss = s[~np.isnan(s)] median = np.median(ss) IQR = np.diff(np.percentile(ss, [25, 75])) return (s - median) / IQR else: return np.full(s.shape, np.nan)
# scaler = bayes_scale scaler = median_scaler
[docs]def calculate_optimisation_stats(d, analytes, min_points, weights, ind, x_bias=0): # calculate statistics stds = [] means = [] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for a in analytes: m, s = calc_window_mean_std(nominal_values(d.focus[a]), min_points, ind) means.append(m) stds.append(s) # compile stats stds = np.array(stds) means = np.array(means) # calculate rsd sstds = stds / abs(means) # scale means for each analyte smeans = np.apply_along_axis(scaler, 2, means) # sstds = np.apply_along_axis(scaler, 2, stds) # apply weights if weights is not None: sstds *= np.reshape(weights, (len(analytes), 1, 1)) smeans *= np.reshape(weights, (len(analytes), 1, 1)) # average of all means and standard deviations msstds = sstds.mean(0) msmeans = smeans.mean(0) # aply bias if x_bias > 0: nonan = ~np.isnan(smeans[0,0]) fill = np.full(smeans[0,0].shape, np.nan) fill[nonan] = np.linspace(1 - x_bias, 1 + x_bias, sum(nonan)) bias = np.full(smeans[0].shape, fill) msmeans *= bias msstds *= bias return msmeans, msstds
[docs]def signal_optimiser(d, analytes, min_points=5, threshold_mode='kde_first_max', threshold_mult=1., x_bias=0, weights=None, ind=None): """ Optimise data selection based on specified analytes. Identifies the longest possible contiguous data region in the signal where the relative standard deviation (std) and concentration of all analytes is minimised. Optimisation is performed via a grid search of all possible contiguous data regions. For each region, the mean std and mean scaled analyte concentration ('amplitude') are calculated. The size and position of the optimal data region are identified using threshold std and amplitude values. Thresholds are derived from all calculated stds and amplitudes using the method specified by `threshold_mode`. For example, using the 'kde_max' method, a probability density function (PDF) is calculated for std and amplitude values, and the threshold is set as the maximum of the PDF. These thresholds are then used to identify the size and position of the longest contiguous region where the std is below the threshold, and the amplitude is either below the threshold. All possible regions of the data that have at least `min_points` are considered. For a graphical demonstration of the action of signal_optimiser, use `optimisation_plot`. Parameters ---------- d : latools.D object An latools data object. analytes : str or array-like Which analytes to consider. min_points : int The minimum number of contiguous points to consider. threshold_mode : str The method used to calculate the optimisation thresholds. Can be 'mean', 'median', 'kde_max' or 'bayes_mvs', or a custom function. If a function, must take a 1D array, and return a single, real number. threshood_mult : float or tuple A multiplier applied to the calculated threshold before use. If a tuple, the first value is applied to the mean threshold, and the second is applied to the standard deviation threshold. Reduce this to make data selection more stringent. x_bias : float If non-zero, a bias is applied to the calculated statistics to prefer the beginning (if > 0) or end (if < 0) of the signal. Should be between zero and 1. weights : array-like of length len(analytes) An array of numbers specifying the importance of each analyte considered. Larger number makes the analyte have a greater effect on the optimisation. Default is None. ind : boolean array A boolean array the same length as the data. Where false, data will not be included. Returns ------- optimisation result : dict """ errmsg = '' if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] # initial catch if not any(ind) or (np.diff(bool_2_indices(ind)).max() < min_points): errmsg = 'Optmisation failed. No contiguous data regions longer than {:.0f} points.'.format(min_points) return Bunch({'means': np.nan, 'stds': np.nan, 'mean_threshold': np.nan, 'std_threshold': np.nan, 'lims': np.nan, 'filt': ind, 'threshold_mode': threshold_mode, 'min_points': min_points, 'analytes': analytes, 'opt_centre': np.nan, 'opt_n_points': np.nan, 'weights': weights, 'optimisation_success': False, 'errmsg': errmsg}), errmsg msmeans, msstds = calculate_optimisation_stats(d, analytes, min_points, weights, ind, x_bias) # second catch if all(np.isnan(msmeans).flat) or all(np.isnan(msmeans).flat): errmsg = 'Optmisation failed. No contiguous data regions longer than {:.0f} points.'.format(min_points) return Bunch({'means': np.nan, 'stds': np.nan, 'mean_threshold': np.nan, 'std_threshold': np.nan, 'lims': np.nan, 'filt': ind, 'threshold_mode': threshold_mode, 'min_points': min_points, 'analytes': analytes, 'opt_centre': np.nan, 'opt_n_points': np.nan, 'weights': weights, 'optimisation_success': False, 'errmsg': errmsg}), errmsg # define thresholds valid = ['kde_first_max', 'kde_max', 'median', 'bayes_mvs', 'mean'] n_under = 0 i = np.argwhere(np.array(valid) == threshold_mode)[0, 0] o_threshold_mode = threshold_mode while (n_under <= 0) & (i < len(valid)): if threshold_mode == 'median': # median - OK, but best? std_threshold = np.nanmedian(msstds) mean_threshold = np.nanmedian(msmeans) elif threshold_mode == 'mean': # mean std_threshold = np.nanmean(msstds) mean_threshold = np.nanmean(msmeans) elif threshold_mode == 'kde_max': # maximum of gaussian kernel density estimator mkd = gaussian_kde(msmeans[~np.isnan(msmeans)].flat) xm = np.linspace(*np.percentile(msmeans.flatten()[~np.isnan(msmeans.flatten())], (1, 99)), 100) mdf = mkd.pdf(xm) mean_threshold = xm[np.argmax(mdf)] rkd = gaussian_kde(msstds[~np.isnan(msstds)]) xr = np.linspace(*np.percentile(msstds.flatten()[~np.isnan(msstds.flatten())], (1, 99)), 100) rdf = rkd.pdf(xr) std_threshold = xr[np.argmax(rdf)] elif threshold_mode == 'kde_first_max': # first local maximum of gaussian kernel density estimator mkd = gaussian_kde(msmeans[~np.isnan(msmeans)].flat) xm = np.linspace(*np.percentile(msmeans.flatten()[~np.isnan(msmeans.flatten())], (1, 99)), 100) mdf = mkd.pdf(xm) inds = np.argwhere(np.r_[False, mdf[1:] > mdf[:-1]] & np.r_[mdf[:-1] > mdf[1:], False] & (mdf > 0.25 * mdf.max())) mean_threshold = xm[np.min(inds)] rkd = gaussian_kde(msstds[~np.isnan(msstds)]) xr = np.linspace(*np.percentile(msstds.flatten()[~np.isnan(msstds.flatten())], (1, 99)), 100) rdf = rkd.pdf(xr) inds = np.argwhere(np.r_[False, rdf[1:] > rdf[:-1]] & np.r_[rdf[:-1] > rdf[1:], False] & (rdf > 0.25 * rdf.max())) std_threshold = xr[np.min(inds)] elif threshold_mode == 'bayes_mvs': # bayesian mvs. bm, _, bs = bayes_mvs(msstds[~np.isnan(msstds)]) std_threshold = bm.statistic bm, _, bs = bayes_mvs(msmeans[~np.isnan(msmeans)]) mean_threshold = bm.statistic elif callable(threshold_mode): std_threshold = threshold_mode(msstds[~np.isnan(msstds)].flatten()) mean_threshold = threshold_mode(msmeans[~np.isnan(msmeans)].flatten()) else: try: mean_threshold, std_threshold = threshold_mode except: raise ValueError('\nthreshold_mode must be one of:\n ' + ', '.join(valid) + ',\na custom function, or a \n(mean_threshold, std_threshold) tuple.') # apply threshold_mult if isinstance(threshold_mult, (int, float)): std_threshold *= threshold_mult mean_threshold *= threshold_mult elif len(threshold_mult) == 2: mean_threshold *= threshold_mult[0] std_threshold *= threshold_mult[1] else: raise ValueError('\nthreshold_mult must be a float, int or tuple of length 2.') rind = (msstds < std_threshold) mind = (msmeans < mean_threshold) ind = rind & mind n_under = ind.sum() if n_under == 0: i += 1 if i <= len(valid) - 1: threshold_mode = valid[i] else: errmsg = 'Optimisation failed. No of the threshold_mode would work. Try reducting min_points.' return Bunch({'means': np.nan, 'stds': np.nan, 'mean_threshold': np.nan, 'std_threshold': np.nan, 'lims': np.nan, 'filt': ind, 'threshold_mode': threshold_mode, 'min_points': min_points, 'analytes': analytes, 'opt_centre': np.nan, 'opt_n_points': np.nan, 'weights': weights, 'optimisation_success': False, 'errmsg': errmsg}), errmsg if i > 0: errmsg = "optimisation failed using threshold_mode='{:}', falling back to '{:}'".format(o_threshold_mode, threshold_mode) # identify max number of points within thresholds passing = np.argwhere(ind) opt_n_points = passing[:, 0].max() opt_centre = passing[passing[:, 0] == opt_n_points, 1].min() opt_n_points += min_points # centres, npoints = np.meshgrid(np.arange(msmeans.shape[1]), # np.arange(min_points, min_points + msmeans.shape[0])) # opt_n_points = npoints[ind].max() # plus/minus one point to allow some freedom to shift selection window. # cind = ind & (npoints == opt_n_points) # opt_centre = centres[cind].min() if opt_n_points % 2 == 0: lims = (opt_centre - opt_n_points // 2, opt_centre + opt_n_points // 2) else: lims = (opt_centre - opt_n_points // 2, opt_centre + opt_n_points // 2 + 1) filt = np.zeros(d.Time.shape, dtype=bool) filt[lims[0]:lims[1]] = True return Bunch({'means': msmeans, 'stds': msstds, 'mean_threshold': mean_threshold, 'std_threshold': std_threshold, 'lims': lims, 'filt': filt, 'threshold_mode': threshold_mode, 'min_points': min_points, 'analytes': analytes, 'opt_centre': opt_centre, 'opt_n_points': opt_n_points, 'weights': weights, 'optimisation_success': True, 'errmsg': errmsg}), errmsg
[docs]def optimisation_plot(d, overlay_alpha=0.5, **kwargs): """ Plot the result of signal_optimise. `signal_optimiser` must be run first, and the output stored in the `opt` attribute of the latools.D object. Parameters ---------- d : latools.D object A latools data object. overlay_alpha : float The opacity of the threshold overlays. Between 0 and 1. **kwargs Passed to `tplot` """ if not hasattr(d, 'opt'): raise ValueError('Please run `signal_optimiser` before trying to plot its results.') out = [] for n, opt in d.opt.items(): if not opt['optimisation_success']: out.append((None, None)) else: # unpack variables means = opt['means'] stds = opt['stds'] min_points = opt['min_points'] mean_threshold = opt['mean_threshold'] std_threshold = opt['std_threshold'] opt_centre = opt['opt_centre'] opt_n_points = opt['opt_n_points'] centres, npoints = np.meshgrid(np.arange(means.shape[1]), np.arange(min_points, min_points + means.shape[0])) rind = (stds < std_threshold) mind = (means < mean_threshold) # color scale and histogram limits mlim = np.percentile(means.flatten()[~np.isnan(means.flatten())], (0, 99)) rlim = np.percentile(stds.flatten()[~np.isnan(stds.flatten())], (0, 99)) cmr = cmr.set_bad((0,0,0,0.3)) cmm = cmm.set_bad((0,0,0,0.3)) # create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=[7,7]) ma = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1) ra = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 2) # work out image limits nonan = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(means)) xdif = np.ptp(nonan[:, 1]) ydif = np.ptp(nonan[:, 0]) extent = (nonan[:, 1].min() - np.ceil(0.1 * xdif), # x min nonan[:, 1].max() + np.ceil(0.1 * xdif), # x max nonan[:, 0].min() + min_points, # y min nonan[:, 0].max() + np.ceil(0.1 * ydif) + min_points) # y max mm = ma.imshow(means, origin='bottomleft', cmap=cmm, vmin=mlim[0], vmax=mlim[1], extent=(centres.min(), centres.max(), npoints.min(), npoints.max())) ma.set_ylabel('N points') ma.set_xlabel('Center') fig.colorbar(mm, ax=ma, label='Amplitude') mr = ra.imshow(stds, origin='bottomleft', cmap=cmr, vmin=rlim[0], vmax=rlim[1], extent=(centres.min(), centres.max(), npoints.min(), npoints.max())) ra.set_xlabel('Center') fig.colorbar(mr, ax=ra, label='std') # view limits ra.imshow(~rind, origin='bottomleft',, alpha=overlay_alpha, extent=(centres.min(), centres.max(), npoints.min(), npoints.max())) ma.imshow(~mind, origin='bottomleft',, alpha=overlay_alpha, extent=(centres.min(), centres.max(), npoints.min(), npoints.max())) for ax in [ma, ra]: ax.scatter(opt_centre, opt_n_points, c=(1,1,1,0.7), edgecolor='k',marker='o') ax.set_xlim(extent[:2]) ax.set_ylim(extent[-2:]) # draw histograms mah = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 3) rah = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 4) mah.set_xlim(mlim) mbin = np.linspace(*mah.get_xlim(), 50) mah.hist(means.flatten()[~np.isnan(means.flatten())], mbin) mah.axvspan(mean_threshold, mah.get_xlim()[1], color=(0,0,0,overlay_alpha)) mah.axvline(mean_threshold, c='r') mah.set_xlabel('Scaled Mean Analyte Conc') mah.set_ylabel('N') rah.set_xlim(rlim) rbin = np.linspace(*rah.get_xlim(), 50) rah.hist(stds.flatten()[~np.isnan(stds.flatten())], rbin) rah.axvspan(std_threshold, rah.get_xlim()[1], color=(0,0,0,0.4)) rah.axvline(std_threshold, c='r') rah.set_xlabel('std') tax = fig.add_subplot(3,1,3) tplot(d, opt.analytes, ax=tax, **kwargs) tax.axvspan(*d.Time[[opt.lims[0], opt.lims[1]]], alpha=0.2) tax.set_xlim(d.Time[d.ns == n].min() - 3, d.Time[d.ns == n].max() + 3) fig.tight_layout() out.append((fig, (ma, ra, mah, rah, tax))) return out