Source code for latools.processes.data_read

Function for reading LA-ICPMS data files.

(c) Oscar Branson :
import re, os
import numpy as np
from io import BytesIO
import json
from ..helpers import Bunch
from ..helpers.metadata_parsers import meta_parsers

[docs]def read_data(data_file, dataformat, name_mode): """ Load data_file described by a dataformat dict. Parameters ---------- data_file : str Path to data file, including extension. dataformat : dict A dataformat dict, see example below. name_mode : str How to identyfy sample names. If 'file_names' uses the input name of the file, stripped of the extension. If 'metadata_names' uses the 'name' attribute of the 'meta' sub-dictionary in dataformat. If any other str, uses this str as the sample name. Example ------- >>> {'genfromtext_args': {'delimiter': ',', 'skip_header': 4}, # passed directly to np.genfromtxt 'column_id': {'name_row': 3, # which row contains the column names 'delimiter': ',', # delimeter between column names 'timecolumn': 0, # which column contains the 'time' variable 'pattern': '([A-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})'}, # a regex pattern which captures the column names 'meta_regex': { # a dict of (line_no: ([descriptors], [regexs])) pairs "0": (['path'], '(.*)'), "2": (['date', 'method'], # should include date '([A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]{4}[ ]+[0-9:]+ [amp]+).* ([A-z0-9]+\.m)') } } Returns ------- sample, analytes, data, meta : tuple """ with open(data_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() meta = Bunch() if 'meta_regex' in dataformat.keys(): for k, v in dataformat['meta_regex'].items(): if str(k).isdigit(): # if k is a number, use it to extract that line in the file. line = lines[int(k)] else: # otherwise, find the first line that contains k for line in lines: if k in line: break if[-1], line): out =[-1], line).groups() for p, r in zip(v[0], out): meta[p] = r if 'metaparse_function' in dataformat.keys(): fn_name, (start, stop) = dataformat['metaparse_function'] extra_meta = meta_parsers[fn_name](lines[start:stop]) meta.update(extra_meta) # sample name if name_mode == 'file_names': sample = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(data_file)[0]) elif name_mode == 'metadata_names': sample = meta['name'] else: sample = name_mode # column and analyte names if isinstance(dataformat['column_id']['name_row'], int): name_row = dataformat['column_id']['name_row'] column_line = lines[dataformat['column_id']['name_row']].strip() elif isinstance(dataformat['column_id']['name_row'], str): for name_row, column_line in enumerate(lines): if dataformat['column_id']['name_row'] in column_line: break columns = np.array(column_line.split(dataformat['column_id']['delimiter'])) if 'pattern' in dataformat['column_id'].keys(): pr = re.compile(dataformat['column_id']['pattern']) analytes = [pr.match(c).groups()[0] for c in columns if pr.match(c)] # do any required pre-formatting if 'preformat_replace' in dataformat.keys(): with open(data_file) as f: fbuffer = for k, v in dataformat['preformat_replace'].items(): fbuffer = re.sub(k, v, fbuffer) # put modified data into IO object data fdata = BytesIO(fbuffer.encode()) else: fdata = data_file # if skip_header not provided, calculate it. if 'skip_header' not in dataformat['genfromtext_args']: skip_header = name_row + 1 while not lines[skip_header].strip(): skip_header += 1 dataformat['genfromtext_args']['skip_header'] = skip_header # read data read_data = np.genfromtxt(fdata, **dataformat['genfromtext_args']).T # data dict dind = np.zeros(read_data.shape[0], dtype=bool) for a in analytes: dind[columns == a] = True data = Bunch() data['Time'] = read_data[dataformat['column_id']['timecolumn']] # deal with time units if 'time_unit' in dataformat['column_id']: if isinstance(dataformat['column_id']['time_unit'], (float, int)): time_mult = dataformat['column_id']['time_unit'] elif isinstance(dataformat['column_id']['time_unit'], str): unit_multipliers = {'ms': 1/1000, 'min': 60/1, 's': 1} try: time_mult = unit_multipliers[dataformat['column_id']['time_unit']] except: raise ValueError("In dataformat: time_unit must be a number, 'ms', 'min' or 's'") data['Time'] *= time_mult # convert raw data into counts # TODO: Is this correct? Should actually be per-analyte dwell? # if 'unit' in dataformat: # if dataformat['unit'] == 'cps': # tstep = data['Time'][1] - data['Time'][0] # read_data[dind] *= tstep # else: # pass data['rawdata'] = Bunch(zip(analytes, read_data[dind])) data['total_counts'] = np.nansum(read_data[dind], 0) return sample, analytes, data, meta
[docs]def read_dataformat(file): """ Reads a dataformat .json file and returns it as a dict. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to dataformat.json file. """ return json.load(open(file))