Source code for latools.helpers.analytes

import re
import numpy as np
from .stat_fns import nominal_values

[docs]def get_analyte_name(s): m = re.match('.*?([A-z]{1,3}).*?', s) if m: return m.groups()[0] else: return
[docs]def get_analyte_mass(s): m = re.match('.*?([0-9]{1,3}).*?', s) if m: return m.groups()[0] else: return
[docs]def analyte_2_namemass(s): """ Converts analytes in format '27Al' to 'Al27'. Parameters ---------- s : str of format [A-z]{1,3}[0-9]{1,3} Returns ------- str Name in format [0-9]{1,3}[A-z]{1,3} """ el = re.match('.*?([A-z]{1,3}).*?', s).groups()[0] m = re.match('.*?([0-9]{1,3}).*?', s).groups()[0] return el + m
[docs]def analyte_2_massname(s): """ Converts analytes in format 'Al27' to '27Al'. Parameters ---------- s : str of format [0-9]{1,3}[A-z]{1,3} Returns ------- str Name in format [A-z]{1,3}[0-9]{1,3} """ el = re.match('.*?([A-z]{1,3}).*?', s).groups()[0] m = re.match('.*?([0-9]{1,3}).*?', s).groups()[0] return m + el
[docs]def analyte_sort_fn(a): m = get_analyte_mass(a) if m is not None: return int(m) m = get_analyte_name(a) if m is not None: return m return a
[docs]def pretty_element(s): """ Returns formatted element name. Parameters ---------- s : str of format [A-Z][a-z]?[0-9]+ Returns ------- str LaTeX formatted string with superscript numbers. """ els = re.findall('([A-Za-z]{1,3})', s) ms = re.findall('([0-9]{1,3})', s) pretty = ['^{' + f'{m}' + '}' + f'{el}' for el, m in zip(els, ms)] return "$" + "/".join(pretty) + "$"
[docs]def unitpicker(a, label=None, focus_stage=None): """ Determines the most appropriate plotting unit for data. Parameters ---------- a : float or array-like number to optimise. If array like, the 25% quantile is optimised. llim : float minimum allowable value in scaled data. Returns ------- (float, str) (multiplier, unit) """ if not isinstance(a, (int, float)): a = nominal_values(a) a = np.percentile(a[~np.isnan(a)], 25) if a == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate unit for zero.") if label is not None: pd = pretty_element(label) else: pd = '' if focus_stage == 'calibrated': udict = {0: 'mol/mol ' + pd, 3: 'mmol/mol ' + pd, 6: '$\mu$mol/mol ' + pd, 9: 'nmol/mol ' + pd, 12: 'pmol/mol ' + pd, 15: 'fmol/mol ' + pd} elif focus_stage == 'ratios': udict = {0: 'counts/count ' + pd, 3: '$10^{-3}$ counts/count ' + pd, 6: '$10^{-6}$ counts/count ' + pd, 9: '$10^{-9}$ counts/count ' + pd, 12: '$10^{-12}$ counts/count ' + pd, 15: '$10^{-15}$ counts/count ' + pd} elif focus_stage in ('rawdata', 'despiked', 'bkgsub'): udict = udict = {0: 'counts', 3: '$10^{-3}$ counts', 6: '$10^{-6}$ counts', 9: '$10^{-9}$ counts', 12: '$10^{-12}$ counts', 15: '$10^{-15}$ counts'} else: udict = {0: '', 3: '', 6: '', 9: '', 12: '', 15: ''} a = abs(a) order = np.log10(a) m = np.ceil(-order / 3) * 3 if np.isnan(m): return 1, '' else: return float(10**m), udict[m]
[docs]def analyte_checker(self, analytes=None, check_ratios=True, single=False, focus_stage=None): """ Return valid analytes depending on the analysis stage """ if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] if focus_stage is None: focus_stage = self.focus_stage out = set() if focus_stage in ['ratios', 'calibrated'] and check_ratios: if analytes is None: analytes = self.analyte_ratios # case 1: provided analytes are an exact match for items in analyte_ratios valid1 = self.analyte_ratios.intersection(analytes) # case 2: provided analytes are in numerator of ratios valid2 = [a for a in self.analyte_ratios if a.split('_')[0] in analytes] out = valid1.union(valid2) else: if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes out = self.analytes.intersection(analytes) if len(self.uncalibrated) > 0: if focus_stage in ['ratios', 'calibrated'] and check_ratios: out.difference_update(self.uncalibrated) else: out.difference_update([u.split('_')[0] for u in self.uncalibrated]) if len(out) == 0: raise ValueError(f'{analytes} does not match any valid analyte names.') if single: if len(out) > 1: raise ValueError(f'{analytes} matches more than one valid analyte ({out}). Please be more specific.') return out.pop() return out
[docs]def split_analyte_ratios(ratios): out = set() if isinstance(ratios, str): out.update(ratios.split('_')) elif ratios is None: return out else: out.update(*map(split_analyte_ratios, ratios)) return out