Source code for latools.helpers.plot

Plotting functions.

(c) Oscar Branson :

import itertools, re, warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from IPython import display
from pandas import IndexSlice as idx

from tqdm import tqdm

from .helpers import fastgrad, fastsmooth, findmins, bool_2_indices, rangecalc, unitpicker, calc_grads
from .analyte_names import pretty_element
from .stat_fns import nominal_values, gauss, R2calc, unpack_uncertainties

[docs]def calc_nrow(n, ncol): if n % ncol == 0: nrow = n / ncol else: nrow = n // ncol + 1 return int(nrow)
[docs]def tplot(self, analytes=None, figsize=[10, 4], scale='log', filt=None, ranges=False, stats=False, stat='nanmean', err='nanstd', focus_stage=None, err_envelope=False, ax=None): """ Plot analytes as a function of Time. Parameters ---------- analytes : array_like list of strings containing names of analytes to plot. None = all analytes. figsize : tuple size of final figure. scale : str or None 'log' = plot data on log scale filt : bool, str or dict False: plot unfiltered data. True: plot filtered data over unfiltered data. str: apply filter key to all analytes dict: apply key to each analyte in dict. Must contain all analytes plotted. Can use self.filt.keydict. ranges : bool show signal/background regions. stats : bool plot average and error of each trace, as specified by `stat` and `err`. stat : str average statistic to plot. err : str error statistic to plot. Returns ------- figure, axis """ if focus_stage is None: focus_stage = self.focus_stage if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes if focus_stage in ['ratios', 'calibrated']: analytes = self.analyte_ratios if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .12, .77, .8]) ret = True else: fig = ax.figure ret = False for a in analytes: x = self.Time y, yerr = unpack_uncertainties([focus_stage][a]) if scale == 'log': ax.set_yscale('log') y[y == 0] = np.nan if filt: ind = self.filt.grab_filt(filt, a) xf = x.copy() yf = y.copy() yerrf = yerr.copy() if any(~ind): xf[~ind] = np.nan yf[~ind] = np.nan yerrf[~ind] = np.nan if any(~ind): ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], alpha=.2, lw=0.6) ax.plot(xf, yf, color=self.cmap[a], label=pretty_element(a)) if err_envelope: ax.fill_between(xf, yf - yerrf, yf + yerrf, color=self.cmap[a], alpha=0.2, zorder=-1) else: ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], label=pretty_element(a)) if err_envelope: ax.fill_between(x, y - yerr, y + yerr, color=self.cmap[a], alpha=0.2, zorder=-1) # Plot averages and error envelopes if stats and hasattr(self, 'stats'): warnings.warn('\nStatistic plotting is broken.\nCheck progress here:') pass # sts = self.stats[sig][0].size # if sts > 1: # for n in np.arange(self.n): # n_ind = ind & (self.ns == n + 1) # if sum(n_ind) > 2: # x = [self.Time[n_ind][0], self.Time[n_ind][-1]] # y = [self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0][n]] * 2 # yp = ([self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0][n] + # self.stats[err][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0][n]] * 2) # yn = ([self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0][n] - # self.stats[err][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0][n]] * 2) # ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], lw=2) # ax.fill_between(x + x[::-1], yp + yn, # color=self.cmap[a], alpha=0.4, # linewidth=0) # else: # x = [self.Time[0], self.Time[-1]] # y = [self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0]] * 2 # yp = ([self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0] + # self.stats[err][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0]] * 2) # yn = ([self.stats[sig][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0] - # self.stats[err][self.stats['analytes'] == a][0]] * 2) # ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], lw=2) # ax.fill_between(x + x[::-1], yp + yn, color=self.cmap[a], # alpha=0.4, linewidth=0) if ranges: for lims in self.bkgrng: ax.axvspan(*lims, color='k', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) for lims in self.sigrng: ax.axvspan(*lims, color='r', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) ax.text(0.01, 0.99, self.sample + ' : ' + focus_stage, transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', va='top') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)) # y label ud = {'rawdata': 'counts', 'despiked': 'counts', 'bkgsub': 'background corrected counts', 'ratios': 'counts/count', 'calibrated': 'mol/mol', 'mass_fraction': 'Mass Fraction'} ax.set_ylabel(ud[focus_stage]) # if interactive: # ax.legend() # plugins.connect(fig, plugins.MousePosition(fontsize=14)) # display.clear_output(wait=True) # display.display(fig) # input('Press [Return] when finished.') # else: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1)) if ret: return fig, ax
[docs]def gplot(self, analytes=None, win=25, figsize=[10, 4], filt=False, ranges=False, focus_stage=None, ax=None, recalc=True): """ Plot analytes gradients as a function of Time. Parameters ---------- analytes : array_like list of strings containing names of analytes to plot. None = all analytes. win : int The window over which to calculate the rolling gradient. figsize : tuple size of final figure. ranges : bool show signal/background regions. Returns ------- figure, axis """ if focus_stage is None: focus_stage = self.focus_stage if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] elif analytes is None: if self.grads_calced: analytes = self.grads.keys() else: analytes =[focus_stage].keys() if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .12, .77, .8]) ret = True else: fig = ax.figure ret = False x = self.Time if recalc or not self.grads_calced: self.grads = calc_grads(x,[focus_stage], analytes, win) self.grads_calce = True for a in analytes: y = self.grads[a] if filt: ind = self.filt.grab_filt(filt, a) xf = x.copy() yf = y.copy() if any(~ind): xf[~ind] = np.nan yf[~ind] = np.nan if any(~ind): ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], alpha=.2, lw=0.6) ax.plot(xf, yf, color=self.cmap[a], label=pretty_element(a)) else: ax.plot(x, y, color=self.cmap[a], label=pretty_element(a)) # ax.plot(x, self.grads[a], color=self.cmap[a], label=pretty_element(a)) if ranges: for lims in self.bkgrng: ax.axvspan(*lims, color='k', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) for lims in self.sigrng: ax.axvspan(*lims, color='r', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) ax.text(0.01, 0.99, self.sample + ' : ' + self.focus_stage + ' : gradient', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', va='top') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)) # y label ud = {'rawdata': 'counts/s', 'despiked': 'counts/s', 'bkgsub': 'background corrected counts/s', 'ratios': 'counts/count/s', 'calibrated': 'mol/mol/s', 'mass_fraction': 'Mass Fraction/s'} ax.set_ylabel(ud[focus_stage]) # y tick format def yfmt(x, p): return '{:.0e}'.format(x) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(yfmt)) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1)) ax.axhline(0, color='k', lw=1, ls='dashed', alpha=0.5) if ret: return fig, ax
[docs]def crossplot(dat, keys=None, lognorm=True, bins=25, figsize=(12, 12), colourful=True, focus_stage=None, denominator=None, mode='hist2d', cmap=None, **kwargs): """ Plot analytes against each other. The number of plots is n**2 - n, where n = len(keys). Parameters ---------- dat : dict A dictionary of key: data pairs, where data is the same length in each entry. keys : optional, array_like or str The keys of dat to plot. Defaults to all keys. lognorm : bool Whether or not to log normalise the colour scale of the 2D histogram. bins : int The number of bins in the 2D histogram. figsize : tuple colourful : bool Returns ------- (fig, axes) """ if keys is None: keys = list(dat.keys()) numvar = len(keys) if figsize[0] < 1.5 * numvar: figsize = [1.5 * numvar] * 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=numvar, ncols=numvar, figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) for ax in axes.flat: ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if ax.is_first_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if ax.is_last_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') if ax.is_first_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') if ax.is_last_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # set up colour scales if colourful: cmlist = ['Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd'] else: cmlist = ['Greys'] if cmap is None and mode == 'scatter': cmap = {k: 'k' for k in dat.keys()} while len(cmlist) < len(keys): cmlist *= 2 # isolate nominal_values for all keys focus = {k: nominal_values(dat[k]) for k in keys} # determine units for all keys udict = {a: unitpicker(np.nanmean(focus[a]), focus_stage=focus_stage, denominator=denominator) for a in keys} # determine ranges for all analytes rdict = {a: (np.nanmin(focus[a] * udict[a][0]), np.nanmax(focus[a] * udict[a][0])) for a in keys} for i, j in tqdm(zip(*np.triu_indices_from(axes, k=1)), desc='Drawing Plots', total=sum(range(len(keys)))): # get analytes ai = keys[i] aj = keys[j] # remove nan, apply multipliers pi = focus[ai] * udict[ai][0] pj = focus[aj] * udict[aj][0] # determine normalisation shceme if lognorm: norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm() else: norm = None # draw plots if mode == 'hist2d': # remove nan pi = pi[~np.isnan(pi)] pj = pj[~np.isnan(pj)] axes[i, j].hist2d(pj, pi, bins, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmlist[i])) axes[j, i].hist2d(pi, pj, bins, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmlist[j])) elif mode == 'scatter': axes[i, j].scatter(pj, pi, s=10, color=cmap[ai], lw=0.5, edgecolor='k', alpha=0.4) axes[j, i].scatter(pi, pj, s=10, color=cmap[aj], lw=0.5, edgecolor='k', alpha=0.4) else: raise ValueError("invalid mode. Must be 'hist2d' or 'scatter'.") axes[i, j].set_ylim(*rdict[ai]) axes[i, j].set_xlim(*rdict[aj]) axes[j, i].set_ylim(*rdict[aj]) axes[j, i].set_xlim(*rdict[ai]) # diagonal labels for a, n in zip(keys, np.arange(len(keys))): axes[n, n].annotate(a + '\n' + udict[a][1], (0.5, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8) axes[n, n].set_xlim(*rdict[a]) axes[n, n].set_ylim(*rdict[a]) # switch on alternating axes for i, j in zip(range(numvar), itertools.cycle((-1, 0))): axes[j, i].xaxis.set_visible(True) for label in axes[j, i].get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) axes[i, j].yaxis.set_visible(True) return fig, axes
[docs]def histograms(dat, keys=None, bins=25, logy=False, cmap=None, ncol=4): """ Plot histograms of all items in dat. Parameters ---------- dat : dict Data in {key: array} pairs. keys : arra-like The keys in dat that you want to plot. If None, all are plotted. bins : int The number of bins in each histogram (default = 25) logy : bool If true, y axis is a log scale. cmap : dict The colours that the different items should be. If None, all are grey. Returns ------- fig, axes """ if keys is None: keys = dat.keys() ncol = int(ncol) nrow = calc_nrow(len(keys), ncol) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, 4, figsize=[ncol * 2, nrow * 2]) pn = 0 for k, ax in zip(keys, axs.flat): tmp = nominal_values(dat[k]) x = tmp[~np.isnan(tmp)] if cmap is not None: c = cmap[k] else: c = (0, 0, 0, 0.5) ax.hist(x, bins=bins, color=c) if logy: ax.set_yscale('log') ylab = '$log_{10}(n)$' else: ylab = 'n' ax.set_ylim(1, ax.get_ylim()[1]) if ax.is_first_col(): ax.set_ylabel(ylab) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.text(.95, .95, k, ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) pn += 1 for ax in axs.flat[pn:]: ax.set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
[docs]def autorange_plot(t, sig, gwin=7, swin=None, win=30, on_mult=(1.5, 1.), off_mult=(1., 1.5), nbin=10, thresh=None): """ Function for visualising the autorange mechanism. Parameters ---------- t : array-like Independent variable (usually time). sig : array-like Dependent signal, with distinctive 'on' and 'off' regions. gwin : int The window used for calculating first derivative. Defaults to 7. swin : int The window ised for signal smoothing. If None, gwin // 2. win : int The width (c +/- win) of the transition data subsets. Defaults to 20. on_mult and off_mult : tuple, len=2 Control the width of the excluded transition regions, which is defined relative to the peak full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the transition gradient. The region n * FHWM below the transition, and m * FWHM above the tranision will be excluded, where (n, m) are specified in `on_mult` and `off_mult`. `on_mult` and `off_mult` apply to the off-on and on-off transitions, respectively. Defaults to (1.5, 1) and (1, 1.5). nbin : ind Used to calculate the number of bins in the data histogram. bins = len(sig) // nbin Returns ------- fig, axes """ if swin is not None: sigs = fastsmooth(sig, swin) else: sigs = sig # perform autorange calculations # bins = 50 kde_x = np.linspace(sig.min(), sig.max(), nbin) kde = gaussian_kde(sigs) yd = kde.pdf(kde_x) mins = findmins(kde_x, yd) # find minima in kde if thresh is not None: mins = [thresh] if len(mins) > 0: bkg = sigs < (mins[0]) # set background as lowest distribution else: bkg = np.ones(sig.size, dtype=bool) # bkg[0] = True # the first value must always be background # assign rough background and signal regions based on kde minima fbkg = bkg fsig = ~bkg g = abs(fastgrad(sigs, gwin)) # calculate gradient of signal # 2. determine the approximate index of each transition zeros = bool_2_indices(fsig) if zeros is not None: zeros = zeros.flatten() lohi = [] pgs = [] excl = [] tps = [] failed = [] for z in zeros: # for each approximate transition # isolate the data around the transition if z - win < 0: lo = gwin // 2 hi = int(z + win) elif z + win > (len(sig) - gwin // 2): lo = int(z - win) hi = len(sig) - gwin // 2 else: lo = int(z - win) hi = int(z + win) xs = t[lo:hi] ys = g[lo:hi] lohi.append([lo, hi]) # determine type of transition (on/off) mid = (hi + lo) // 2 tp = sigs[mid + 3] > sigs[mid - 3] # True if 'on' transition. tps.append(tp) c = t[z] # center of transition width = (t[1] - t[0]) * 2 # initial width guess try: pg, _ = curve_fit(gauss, xs, ys, p0=(np.nanmax(ys), c, width), sigma=(xs - c)**2 + .01) pgs.append(pg) fwhm = abs(2 * pg[-1] * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) # apply on_mult or off_mult, as appropriate. if tp: lim = np.array([-fwhm, fwhm]) * on_mult + pg[1] else: lim = np.array([-fwhm, fwhm]) * off_mult + pg[1] excl.append(lim) fbkg[(t > lim[0]) & (t < lim[1])] = False fsig[(t > lim[0]) & (t < lim[1])] = False failed.append(False) except RuntimeError: failed.append(True) lohi.append([np.nan, np.nan]) pgs.append([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) excl.append([np.nan, np.nan]) tps.append(tp) pass else: zeros = [] # make plot nrows = 2 + len(zeros) // 2 + len(zeros) % 2 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, 2, figsize=(6, 4 + 1.5 * nrows)) # Trace ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = axs.flat[:4] ax4.set_visible(False) # widen ax1 & 3 for ax in [ax1, ax3]: p = ax.axes.get_position() p2 = [p.x0, p.y0, p.width * 1.75, p.height] ax.axes.set_position(p2) # move ax3 up p = ax3.axes.get_position() p2 = [p.x0, p.y0 + 0.15 * p.height, p.width, p.height] ax3.axes.set_position(p2) # truncate ax2 p = ax2.axes.get_position() p2 = [p.x0 + p.width * 0.6, p.y0, p.width * 0.4, p.height] ax2.axes.set_position(p2) # plot traces and gradient ax1.plot(t, sig, color='k', lw=1) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_ylabel('Signal') ax3.plot(t, g, color='k', lw=1) ax3.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax3.set_ylabel('Gradient') # plot kde ax2.fill_betweenx(kde_x, yd, color=(0, 0, 0, 0.2)) ax2.plot(yd, kde_x, color='k') ax2.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) ax2.set_xlabel('Data\nDensity') # limit for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.axhline(mins[0], color='k', ls='dashed', alpha=0.4) if len(zeros) > 0: # zeros for z in zeros: ax1.axvline(t[z], color='r', alpha=0.5) ax3.axvline(t[z], color='r', alpha=0.5) # plot individual transitions n = 1 for (lo, hi), lim, tp, pg, fail, ax in zip(lohi, excl, tps, pgs, failed, axs.flat[4:]): # plot region on gradient axis ax3.axvspan(t[lo], t[hi], color='r', alpha=0.1, zorder=-2) # plot individual transitions x = t[lo:hi] y = g[lo:hi] ys = sig[lo:hi] ax.scatter(x, y, color='k', marker='x', zorder=-1, s=10) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_ylim(rangecalc(y)) tax = ax.twinx() tax.plot(x, ys, color='k', alpha=0.3, zorder=-5) tax.set_yticklabels([]) tax.set_ylim(rangecalc(ys)) # plot fitted gaussian xn = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 100) ax.plot(xn, gauss(xn, *pg), color='r', alpha=0.5) # plot center and excluded region ax.axvline(pg[1], color='b', alpha=0.5) ax.axvspan(*lim, color='b', alpha=0.1, zorder=-2) ax1.axvspan(*lim, color='b', alpha=0.1, zorder=-2) if tp: ax.text(.05, .95, '{} (on)'.format(n), ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) else: ax.text(.95, .95, '{} (off)'.format(n), ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) if ax.is_last_row(): ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') if ax.is_first_col(): ax.set_ylabel('Gradient (x)') if ax.is_last_col(): tax.set_ylabel('Signal (line)') if fail: ax.axes.set_facecolor((1, 0, 0, 0.2)) ax.text(.5, .5, 'FAIL', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=16, color=(1, 0, 0, 0.5), transform=ax.transAxes) n += 1 # should never be, but just in case... if len(zeros) % 2 == 1: axs.flat[-1].set_visible = False return fig, axs
[docs]def calibration_plot(self, analyte_ratios=None, datarange=True, loglog=False, ncol=3, srm_group=None, percentile_data_cutoff=85, save=True): """ Plot the calibration lines between measured and known SRM values. Parameters ---------- analyte_ratios : optional, array_like or str The analyte ratio(s) to plot. Defaults to all analyte ratios. datarange : boolean Whether or not to show the distribution of the measured data alongside the calibration curve. loglog : boolean Whether or not to plot the data on a log - log scale. This is useful if you have two low standards very close together, and want to check whether your data are between them, or below them. ncol : int The number of columns in the plot srm_group : int Which groups of SRMs to plot in the analysis. percentile_data_cutoff : float The upper percentile of data to display in the histogram. Returns ------- (fig, axes) """ if isinstance(analyte_ratios, str): analyte_ratios = [analyte_ratios] if analyte_ratios is None: # analytes = self._calib_analytes analyte_ratios = self.analytes_sorted(self._srm_id_analyte_ratios) # analytes = self.analytes_sorted(self.analytes.difference([self.internal_standard])) if srm_group is not None: srm_groups = {int(g): t for g, t in self.stdtab.loc[:, ['group', 'gTime']].values} try: gTime = srm_groups[srm_group] except KeyError: text = ('Invalid SRM group selection. Valid options are:\n' + ' Key: Time Centre\n' + '\n'.join([' {:}: {:.1f}s'.format(k, v) for k, v in srm_groups.items()])) print(text) else: gTime = None ncol = int(ncol) n = len(analyte_ratios) nrow = calc_nrow(n + 1, ncol) axes = [] if not datarange: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4.1 * ncol, 3 * nrow]) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4.7 * ncol, 3 * nrow]) self.get_focus() gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=int(nrow), ncols=int(ncol), hspace=0.35, wspace=0.3) mdict = self.srm_mdict for g, a in zip(gs, analyte_ratios): num, denom = a.split('_') if not datarange: ax = fig.add_axes(g.get_position(fig)) axes.append((ax,)) else: f = 0.8 p0 = g.get_position(fig) p1 = [p0.x0, p0.y0, p0.width * f, p0.height] p2 = [p0.x0 + p0.width * f, p0.y0, p0.width * (1 - f), p0.height] ax = fig.add_axes(p1) axh = fig.add_axes(p2) axes.append((ax, axh)) if gTime is None: sub = idx[:,:] else: sub = idx[gTime, :] x = self.caltab.loc[sub, (a, 'meas_mean')].values xe = self.caltab.loc[sub, (a, 'meas_err')].values y = self.caltab.loc[sub, (a, 'srm_mean')].values ye = self.caltab.loc[sub, (a, 'srm_err')].values srm = self.caltab.loc[sub, ('SRM')] # plot calibration data for s, m in mdict.items(): ind = srm == s ax.errorbar(x[ind], y[ind], xerr=xe[ind], yerr=ye[ind], color=self.cmaps[a], alpha=0.6, lw=0, elinewidth=1, marker=m, #'o', capsize=0, markersize=5, label='_') # work out axis scaling if not loglog: xmax = np.nanmax(x + xe) ymax = np.nanmax(y + ye) if any(x - xe < 0): xmin = np.nanmin(x - xe) xpad = (xmax - xmin) * 0.05 xlim = [xmin - xpad, xmax + xpad] else: xlim = [0, xmax * 1.05] if any(y - ye < 0): ymin = np.nanmin(y - ye) ypad = (ymax - ymin) * 0.05 ylim = [ymin - ypad, ymax + ypad] else: ylim = [0, ymax * 1.05] else: xd = self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'meas_mean')][self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'meas_mean')] > 0].values yd = self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'srm_mean')][self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'srm_mean')] > 0].values xlim = [10**np.floor(np.log10(np.nanmin(xd))), 10**np.ceil(np.log10(np.nanmax(xd)))] ylim = [10**np.floor(np.log10(np.nanmin(yd))), 10**np.ceil(np.log10(np.nanmax(yd)))] # scale sanity checks if xlim[0] == xlim[1]: xlim[0] = ylim[0] if ylim[0] == ylim[1]: ylim[0] = xlim[0] ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # visual warning if any values < 0 if xlim[0] < 0: ax.axvspan(xlim[0], 0, color=(1,0.8,0.8), zorder=-1) if ylim[0] < 0: ax.axhspan(ylim[0], 0, color=(1,0.8,0.8), zorder=-1) if any(x < 0) or any(y < 0): ax.text(.5, .5, 'WARNING: Values below zero.', color='r', weight='bold', ha='center', va='center', rotation=40, transform=ax.transAxes, alpha=0.6) # calculate line and R2 if loglog: x = np.logspace(*np.log10(xlim), 100) else: x = np.array(xlim) if gTime is None: coefs = self.calib_params.loc[:, a] else: coefs = self.calib_params.loc[gTime, a] m = np.nanmean(coefs['m']) m_nom = nominal_values(m) # calculate case-specific paramers if 'c' in coefs: c = np.nanmean(coefs['c']) c_nom = nominal_values(c) # calculate R2 ym = self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'meas_mean')] * m_nom + c_nom R2 = R2calc(self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'srm_mean')], ym, force_zero=False) # generate line and label line = x * m_nom + c_nom label = 'y = {:.2e} x'.format(m) if c > 0: label += '\n+ {:.2e}'.format(c) else: label += '\n {:.2e}'.format(c) else: # calculate R2 ym = self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'meas_mean')] * m_nom R2 = R2calc(self.caltab.loc[:, (a, 'srm_mean')], ym, force_zero=True) # generate line and label line = x * m_nom label = 'y = {:.2e} x'.format(m) # plot line of best fit ax.plot(x, line, color=(0, 0, 0, 0.5), ls='dashed') # add R2 to label if round(R2, 3) == 1: label = '$R^2$: >0.999\n' + label else: label = '$R^2$: {:.3f}\n'.format(R2) + label ax.text(.05, .95, pretty_element(a), transform=ax.transAxes, weight='bold', va='top', ha='left', size=12) ax.set_xlabel('counts/counts') ax.set_ylabel('mol/mol') # write calibration equation on graph happens after data distribution # plot data distribution historgram alongside calibration plot if datarange: # isolate data meas = nominal_values(self.focus[a]) meas = meas[~np.isnan(meas)] # check and set y scale if np.nanmin(meas) < ylim[0]: if loglog: mmeas = meas[meas > 0] ylim[0] = 10**np.floor(np.log10(np.nanmin(mmeas))) else: ylim[0] = 0 mquant = np.percentile(meas[~np.isnan(meas)], percentile_data_cutoff) * 1.05 if mquant > ylim[1]: if loglog: ylim[1] = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(mquant)) else: ylim[1] = mquant # hist if loglog: bins = np.logspace(*np.log10(ylim), 30) else: bins = np.linspace(*ylim, 30) axh.hist(meas, bins=bins, orientation='horizontal', color=self.cmaps[a], lw=0.5, alpha=0.5) if loglog: axh.set_yscale('log') axh.set_ylim(ylim) # ylim of histogram axis ax.set_ylim(ylim) # ylim of calibration axis axh.set_xticks([]) axh.set_yticklabels([]) # write calibration equation on graph cmax = np.nanmax(y) if cmax / ylim[1] > 0.5: ax.text(0.98, 0.04, label, transform=ax.transAxes, va='bottom', ha='right') else: ax.text(0.02, 0.75, label, transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', ha='left') if srm_group is None: title = 'All SRMs' else: title = 'SRM Group {:} (centre at {:.1f}s)'.format(srm_group, gTime) axes[0][0].set_title(title, loc='left', weight='bold', fontsize=12) # SRM legend ax = fig.add_axes(gs[-1].get_position(fig)) for lab, m in mdict.items(): ax.scatter([],[],marker=m, label=lab, color=(0,0,0,0.6)) ax.legend() ax.axis('off') if save: fig.savefig(self.report_dir + '/calibration.pdf') return fig, axes
# def calibration_drift_plot(self, analytes=None, ncol=3, save=True): # """ # Plot calibration slopes through the entire session. # Parameters # ---------- # self : latools.analyse # Analyse object, containing # analytes : optional, array_like or str # The analyte(s) to plot. Defaults to all analytes. # ncol : int # Number of columns of plots # save : bool # Whether or not to save the plot. # Returns # ------- # (fig, axes) # """ # if not hasattr(self, 'calib_params'): # raise ValueError('Please run calibrate before making this plot.') # if analytes is None: # analytes = [a for a in self.analytes if self.internal_standard not in a] # ncol = int(ncol) # n = len(analytes) # nrow = calc_nrow(n, ncol) # axes = [] # fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6 * ncol, 3 * nrow]) # gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=int(nrow), ncols=int(ncol), # hspace=0.35, wspace=0.3) # cp = self.calib_params # for g, a in zip(gs, analytes): # ax = fig.add_axes(g.get_position(fig)) # axes.append(ax) # ax.plot(cp.index, nominal_values(cp.loc[:, (a, 'm')]), color=self.cmaps[a]) # ax.fill_between(cp.index, # nominal_values(cp.loc[:, (a, 'm')]) - std_devs(cp.loc[:, (a, 'm')]), # nominal_values(cp.loc[:, (a, 'm')]) + std_devs(cp.loc[:, (a, 'm')]), # color=self.cmaps[a], alpha=0.2, lw=0) # ax.text(.05, .95, pretty_element(a), transform=ax.transAxes, # weight='bold', va='top', ha='left', size=12) # ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') # ax.set_ylabel('mol/mol ' + self.internal_standard) # if save: # fig.savefig(self.report_dir + '/calibration_drift.pdf') # return fig, axes
[docs]def filter_report(Data, filt=None, analytes=None, savedir=None, nbin=5): """ Visualise effect of data filters. Parameters ---------- filt : str Exact or partial name of filter to plot. Supports partial matching. i.e. if 'cluster' is specified, all filters with 'cluster' in the name will be plotted. Defaults to all filters. analyte : str Name of analyte to plot. save : str file path to save the plot Returns ------- (fig, axes) """ if filt is None or filt == 'all': sets = Data.filt.filter_table else: sets = Data.filt.filter_table.loc[idx[:, [i for i in Data.filt.filter_table.index.levels[1] if filt in i]], :] cm ='Spectral') ngrps = sets.shape[0] if analytes is None: analytes = Data.analytes elif isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] axes = [] for analyte in analytes: fig = plt.figure() for i in sets.index.levels[0]: filts = sets.loc[i] nfilts = np.array([f.split('_') for f in filts.index]) fgnames = np.array(['_'.join(a) for a in nfilts[:, (0,-2)]]) fgrp = np.unique(fgnames)[0] if 'DBSCAN' in fgrp: warnings.warn('filter_report is not implemented for DBSCAN') continue fig.set_size_inches(10, 3.5 * ngrps) h = .8 / ngrps y = nominal_values(Data.focus[analyte]) yh = y[~np.isnan(y)] m, u = unitpicker(np.nanmax(y), denominator=Data.internal_standard, focus_stage=Data.focus_stage) axs = tax, hax = (fig.add_axes([.1, .9 - (i + 1) * h, .6, h * .98]), fig.add_axes([.7, .9 - (i + 1) * h, .2, h * .98])) axes.append(axs) # get variables fg = sets.index.get_level_values(1) # filter names components = Data.filt.filter_components.loc[:, i] # component dataframe cs = cm(np.linspace(0, 1, len(fg))) fn = ['_'.join(x) for x in nfilts[:, (0, -1)]] an = nfilts[:, 0] bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(y), np.nanmax(y), len(yh) // nbin) * m # plot all data tax.scatter(Data.Time, m * y, color='k', alpha=0.2, lw=0.1, s=20, label='excl') hax.hist(m * yh, bins, alpha=0.2, orientation='horizontal', color='k', lw=0) # plot filtered data for f, c, lab in zip(fg, cs, fn): ind = components[f] tax.scatter(Data.Time[ind], m * y[ind], edgecolor=(0,0,0,0), color=c, s=15, label=lab) hax.hist(m * y[ind][~np.isnan(y[ind])], bins, color=c, lw=0.1, orientation='horizontal', alpha=0.6) if 'thresh' in fgrp and analyte in fgrp: tax.axhline(Data.filt.params[fg[0]]['threshold'] * m, ls='dashed', zorder=-2, alpha=0.5, color='k') hax.axhline(Data.filt.params[fg[0]]['threshold'] * m, ls='dashed', zorder=-2, alpha=0.5, color='k') # formatting for ax in axs: mn = np.nanmin(y) * m mx = np.nanmax(y) * m rn = mx - mn ax.set_ylim(mn - .05 * rn, mx + 0.05 * rn) # legend hn, la = tax.get_legend_handles_labels() hax.legend(hn, la, loc='upper right', scatterpoints=1) tax.text(.02, .98, Data.sample + ': ' + fgrp, size=12, weight='bold', ha='left', va='top', transform=tax.transAxes) tax.set_ylabel(pretty_element(analyte) + ' (' + u + ')') tax.set_xticks(tax.get_xticks()[:-1]) hax.set_yticklabels([]) if i < ngrps - 1: tax.set_xticklabels([]) hax.set_xticklabels([]) else: tax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') hax.set_xlabel('n') if isinstance(savedir, str): fig.savefig(savedir + '/' + Data.sample + '_' + analyte + '.pdf') plt.close(fig) return fig, axes
# Old DBSCAN code # if 'DBSCAN' in fgrp: # # determine data filters # core_ind = components[[f for f in fg # if 'core' in f][0]] # other = np.array([('noise' not in f) & ('core' not in f) # for f in fg]) # tfg = fg[other] # tfn = fn[other] # tcs = cm(np.linspace(0, 1, len(tfg))) # # plot all data # hax.hist(m * yh, bins, alpha=0.2, orientation='horizontal', # color='k', lw=0) # # legend markers for core/member # tax.scatter([], [], s=20, label='core', color='w', lw=0.5, edgecolor='k') # tax.scatter([], [], s=7.5, label='member', color='w', lw=0.5, edgecolor='k') # # plot noise # try: # noise_ind = components[[f for f in fg # if 'noise' in f][0]] # tax.scatter(Data.Time[noise_ind], m * y[noise_ind], # lw=1, color='k', s=10, marker='x', # label='noise', alpha=0.6) # except: # pass # # plot filtered data # for f, c, lab in zip(tfg, tcs, tfn): # ind = components[f] # tax.scatter(Data.Time[~core_ind & ind], # m * y[~core_ind & ind], lw=.5, color=c, s=5, edgecolor='k') # tax.scatter(Data.Time[core_ind & ind], # m * y[core_ind & ind], lw=.5, color=c, s=15, edgecolor='k', # label=lab) # hax.hist(m * y[ind][~np.isnan(y[ind])], bins, color=c, lw=0.1, # orientation='horizontal', alpha=0.6)
[docs]def correlation_plot(self, corr=None): if len(self.correlations) == 0: raise ValueError("No calculated correlations. Run threshold_correlation first.") if corr is None: if len(self.correlations) == 1: corr = list(self.correlations.keys())[0] if corr not in self.correlations: raise ValueError("{:} not founself. Please use one of [{:}]".format(corr, [', '.join(c) for c in self.correlations.keys()])) x_analyte, y_analyte, window = corr.split('_') r, p = self.correlations[corr] fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=[7, 5], sharex=True) # plot analytes ax = axs[0] ax.plot(self.Time, nominal_values(self.focus[x_analyte]), color=self.cmap[x_analyte], label=x_analyte) ax.plot(self.Time, nominal_values(self.focus[y_analyte]), color=self.cmap[y_analyte], label=y_analyte) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Signals') # plot r ax = axs[1] ax.plot(self.Time, r) ax.set_ylabel('Pearson R') # plot p ax = axs[2] ax.plot(self.Time, p) ax.set_ylabel('pignificance Level (p)') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
[docs]def stackhist(data_arrays, bins=None, bin_range=(1,99), yoffset=0, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a stacked histogram of multiple arrays. Parameters ---------- data_arrays : iterable iterable containing all the arrays to plot on the histogram bins : array-like or int Either the number of bins (int) or an array of bin edges. bin_range : tuple If bins is not specified, this speficies the percentile range used for the bins. By default, the histogram is plotted between the 1st and 99th percentiles of the data. yoffset : float The y offset of the histogram base. Useful if stacking multiple histograms on a single axis. ax : matplotlib.Axes """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # calculate histogram bins all_data = np.concatenate(data_arrays) data_range = np.percentile(all_data[~np.isnan(all_data)], bin_range) if isinstance(bins, int): nbin = bins bins = np.linspace(*data_range, nbin) elif bins is None: nbin = 50 bins = np.linspace(*data_range, nbin) else: nbin = len(bins) xleft = bins[:-1] bw = bins[1] - bins[0] # calculate global histogram max nmax = np.max(np.histogram(all_data[~np.isnan(all_data)], bins)[0]) y0 = np.full(len(xleft), yoffset, dtype=float) for a in data_arrays: yn, _ = np.histogram(a[~np.isnan(a)], bins) yn = yn.astype(float) / nmax, yn, bw, bottom=y0, align='edge', **kwargs) y0 += yn return ax