Source code for latools.helpers.helpers

Helper functions used by multiple parts of LAtools.

(c) Oscar Branson :
import os
import shutil
import re
import configparser
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import dateutil as du
import pkg_resources as pkgrs
import uncertainties.unumpy as un
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from .stat_fns import nominal_values
from .analyte_names import pretty_element

# Bunch modifies dict to allow item access using dot (.) operator
[docs]class Bunch(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(Bunch, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.__dict__ = self
# warnings monkeypatch # def _warning(message, category=UserWarning, filename='', lineno=-1, file=None, line=None): print(message)
[docs]def get_date(datetime, time_format=None): """ Return a datetime oject from a string, with optional time format. Parameters ---------- datetime : str Date-time as string in any sensible format. time_format : datetime str (optional) String describing the datetime format. If missing uses dateutil.parser to guess time format. """ if isinstance(datetime, dt.datetime): t = datetime elif time_format is not None: t = dt.datetime.strptime(datetime, time_format) else: t = du.parser.parse(datetime) return t
[docs]def get_total_n_points(d): """ Returns the total number of data points in values of dict. Paramters --------- d : dict """ n = 0 for di in d.values(): n += len(di) return n
[docs]def get_total_time_span(d): """ Returns total length of analysis. """ tmax = 0 for di in d.values(): if di.uTime.max() > tmax: tmax = di.uTime.max() return tmax
[docs]def unitpicker(a, denominator=None, focus_stage=None): """ Determines the most appropriate plotting unit for data. Parameters ---------- a : float or array-like number to optimise. If array like, the 25% quantile is optimised. llim : float minimum allowable value in scaled data. Returns ------- (float, str) (multiplier, unit) """ if not isinstance(a, (int, float)): a = nominal_values(a) a = np.percentile(a[~np.isnan(a)], 25) if a == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate unit for zero.") if denominator is not None: pd = pretty_element(denominator) else: pd = '' if focus_stage == 'calibrated': udict = {0: 'mol/mol ' + pd, 3: 'mmol/mol ' + pd, 6: '$\mu$mol/mol ' + pd, 9: 'nmol/mol ' + pd, 12: 'pmol/mol ' + pd, 15: 'fmol/mol ' + pd} elif focus_stage == 'ratios': udict = {0: 'counts/count ' + pd, 3: '$10^{-3}$ counts/count ' + pd, 6: '$10^{-6}$ counts/count ' + pd, 9: '$10^{-9}$ counts/count ' + pd, 12: '$10^{-12}$ counts/count ' + pd, 15: '$10^{-15}$ counts/count ' + pd} elif focus_stage in ('rawdata', 'despiked', 'bkgsub'): udict = udict = {0: 'counts', 3: '$10^{-3}$ counts', 6: '$10^{-6}$ counts', 9: '$10^{-9}$ counts', 12: '$10^{-12}$ counts', 15: '$10^{-15}$ counts'} else: udict = {0: '', 3: '', 6: '', 9: '', 12: '', 15: ''} a = abs(a) order = np.log10(a) m = np.ceil(-order / 3) * 3 return float(10**m), udict[m]
[docs]def collate_data(in_dir, extension='.csv', out_dir=None): """ Copy all csvs in nested directroy to single directory. Function to copy all csvs from a directory, and place them in a new directory. Parameters ---------- in_dir : str Input directory containing csv files in subfolders extension : str The extension that identifies your data files. Defaults to '.csv'. out_dir : str Destination directory Returns ------- None """ if out_dir is None: out_dir = './' +'^\.(.*)', extension).groups(0)[0] if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) for p, d, fs in os.walk(in_dir): for f in fs: if extension in f: shutil.copy(p + '/' + f, out_dir + '/' + f) return
[docs]def bool_transitions(a): """ Return indices where a boolean array changes from True to False """ return np.where(a[:-1] != a[1:])[0]
[docs]def bool_2_indices(a): """ Convert boolean array into a 2D array of (start, stop) pairs. """ if any(a): lims = [] lims.append(np.where(a[:-1] != a[1:])[0]) if a[0]: lims.append([0]) if a[-1]: lims.append([len(a) - 1]) lims = np.concatenate(lims) lims.sort() return np.reshape(lims, (lims.size // 2, 2)) else: return None
[docs]def enumerate_bool(bool_array, nstart=0): """ Consecutively numbers contiguous booleans in array. i.e. a boolean sequence, and resulting numbering T F T T T F T F F F T T F 0-1 1 1 - 2 ---3 3 - where ' - ' Parameters ---------- bool_array : array_like Array of booleans. nstart : int The number of the first boolean group. """ ind = bool_2_indices(bool_array) ns = np.full(bool_array.size, nstart, dtype=int) for n, lims in enumerate(ind): ns[lims[0]:lims[-1] + 1] = nstart + n + 1 return ns
[docs]def tuples_2_bool(tuples, x): """ Generate boolean array from list of limit tuples. Parameters ---------- tuples : array_like [2, n] array of (start, end) values x : array_like x scale the tuples are mapped to Returns ------- array_like boolean array, True where x is between each pair of tuples. """ if np.ndim(tuples) == 1: tuples = [tuples] out = np.zeros(x.size, dtype=bool) for l, u in tuples: out[(x > l) & (x < u)] = True return out
[docs]def get_example_data(destination_dir): if os.path.isdir(destination_dir): overwrite = input(destination_dir + ' already exists. Overwrite? [N/y]: ').lower() == 'y' if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(destination_dir) else: print(destination_dir + ' was not overwritten.') shutil.copytree(pkgrs.resource_filename('latools', 'resources/test_data'), destination_dir) return
[docs]def rangecalc(xs, pad=0.05): mn = np.nanmin(xs) mx = np.nanmax(xs) xr = mx - mn return [mn - pad * xr, mx + pad * xr]
[docs]class un_interp1d(object): """ object for handling interpolation of values with uncertainties. """ def __init__(self, x, y, fill_value=np.nan, **kwargs): if isinstance(fill_value, tuple): nom_fill = tuple([un.nominal_values(v) for v in fill_value]) std_fill = tuple([un.std_devs(v) for v in fill_value]) else: nom_fill = std_fill = fill_value self.nom_interp = interp.interp1d(un.nominal_values(x), un.nominal_values(y), fill_value=nom_fill, **kwargs) self.std_interp = interp.interp1d(un.nominal_values(x), un.std_devs(y), fill_value=std_fill, **kwargs)
[docs] def new(self, xn): yn = self.nom_interp(xn) yn_err = self.std_interp(xn) return un.uarray(yn, yn_err)
[docs] def new_nom(self, xn): return self.nom_interp(xn)
[docs] def new_std(self, xn): return self.std_interp(xn)
[docs]def rolling_window(a, window, window_mode='mid', pad=None): """ Returns (win, len(a)) rolling - window array of data. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Array to calculate the rolling window of window : int Description of `window`. window_mode : str Describes the jusitification of the rolling window relative to the returned values. Can be 'left', 'mid' or 'right'. pad : same as dtype(a) How to pad the ends of the array such that shape[0] of the returned array is the same as len(a). Can be 'ends', 'mean_ends' or 'repeat_ends'. 'ends' just extends the start or end value across all the extra windows. 'mean_ends' extends the mean value of the end windows. 'repeat_ends' repeats the end window to completion. Returns ------- array_like An array of shape (n, window), where n is either len(a) - window if pad is None, or len(a) if pad is not None. """ shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1], ) out = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides) # pad shape if window_mode == 'mid': if window % 2 == 0: npre = window // 2 - 1 npost = window // 2 else: npre = npost = window // 2 elif window_mode == 'right': npre = window - 1 npost = 0 elif window_mode == 'left': npre = 0 npost = window - 1 else: raise ValueError("`window_mode` must be 'left', 'mid' or 'right'.") if isinstance(pad, str): if pad == 'ends': prepad = np.full((npre, window), a[0]) postpad = np.full((npost, window), a[-1]) elif pad == 'mean_ends': prepad = np.full((npre, window), np.mean(a[:(window // 2)])) postpad = np.full((npost, window), np.mean(a[-(window // 2):])) elif pad == 'repeat_ends': prepad = np.full((npre, window), out[0]) postpad = np.full((npost, window), out[-1]) else: raise ValueError("`pad` must be either 'ends', 'mean_ends' or 'repeat_ends'.") return np.concatenate((prepad, out, postpad)) elif pad is not None: pre_blankpad = np.empty(((npre, window))) pre_blankpad[:] = pad post_blankpad = np.empty(((npost, window))) post_blankpad[:] = pad return np.concatenate([pre_blankpad, out, post_blankpad]) else: return out
[docs]def fastsmooth(a, win=11): """ Returns rolling - window smooth of a. Function to efficiently calculate the rolling mean of a numpy array using 'stride_tricks' to split up a 1D array into an ndarray of sub - sections of the original array, of dimensions [len(a) - win, win]. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The 1D array to calculate the rolling gradient of. win : int The width of the rolling window. Returns ------- array_like Gradient of a, assuming as constant integer x - scale. """ # check to see if 'window' is odd (even does not work) if win % 2 == 0: win += 1 # add 1 to window if it is even. kernel = np.ones(win) / win npad = int((win - 1) / 2) spad = np.full(npad + 1, np.mean(a[:(npad + 1)])) epad = np.full(npad - 1, np.mean(a[-(npad - 1):])) return np.concatenate([spad, np.convolve(a, kernel, 'valid'), epad])
[docs]def fastgrad(a, win=11, win_mode='mid'): """ Returns rolling - window gradient of a. Function to efficiently calculate the rolling gradient of a numpy array using 'stride_tricks' to split up a 1D array into an ndarray of sub - sections of the original array, of dimensions [len(a) - win, win]. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The 1D array to calculate the rolling gradient of. win : int The width of the rolling window. win_mode : str Describes the jusitification of the rolling window relative to the returned values. Can be 'left', 'mid' or 'right'. Returns ------- array_like Gradient of a, assuming as constant integer x - scale. """ # check to see if 'window' is odd (even does not work) if win % 2 == 0: win += 1 # add 1 to window if it is even. # trick for efficient 'rolling' computation in numpy # shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - win + 1, win) # strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1], ) # wins = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides) wins = rolling_window(a, win, pad='ends', window_mode=win_mode) # apply rolling gradient to data a = map(lambda x: np.polyfit(np.arange(win), x, 1)[0], wins) return np.array(list(a))
[docs]def calc_grads(x, dat, keys=None, win=5, win_mode='mid'): """ Calculate gradients of values in dat. Parameters ---------- x : array like Independent variable for items in dat. dat : dict {key: dependent_variable} pairs keys : str or array-like Which keys in dict to calculate the gradient of. win : int The side of the rolling window for gradient calculation win_mode : str Describes the jusitification of the rolling window relative to the returned values. Can be 'left', 'mid' or 'right'. Returns ------- dict of gradients """ if keys is None: keys = dat.keys() def grad(xy): idx = np.isfinite(xy[1]) if sum(idx) > 2: try: return np.polyfit(xy[0][idx], xy[1][idx], 1)[0] except ValueError: return np.nan else: return np.nan xs = rolling_window(x, win, pad='repeat_ends', window_mode=win_mode) grads = Bunch() for k in keys: d = nominal_values(rolling_window(dat[k], win, pad='repeat_ends', window_mode=win_mode)) grads[k] = np.array(list(map(grad, zip(xs, d)))) return grads
[docs]def findmins(x, y): """ Function to find local minima. Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like 1D arrays of the independent (x) and dependent (y) variables. Returns ------- array_like Array of points in x where y has a local minimum. """ return x[np.r_[False, y[1:] < y[:-1]] & np.r_[y[:-1] < y[1:], False]]
[docs]def stack_keys(ddict, keys, extra=None): """ Combine elements of ddict into an array of shape (len(ddict[key]), len(keys)). Useful for preparing data for sklearn. Parameters ---------- ddict : dict A dict containing arrays or lists to be stacked. Must be of equal length. keys : list or str The keys of dict to stack. Must be present in ddict. extra : list (optional) A list of additional arrays to stack. Elements of extra must be the same length as arrays in ddict. Extras are inserted as the first columns of output. """ if isinstance(keys, str): d = [ddict[keys]] else: d = [ddict[k] for k in keys] if extra is not None: d = extra + d return np.vstack(d).T
[docs]def analyte_checker(self, analytes=None, check_ratios=True, single=False): """ Return valid analytes depending on the analysis stage """ if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] out = set() if self.focus_stage not in ['ratios', 'calibrated'] or not check_ratios: if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes out = self.analytes.intersection(analytes) else: if analytes is None: analytes = self.analyte_ratios # case 1: provided analytes are an exact match for items in analyte_ratios valid1 = self.analyte_ratios.intersection(analytes) # case 2: provided analytes are in numerator of ratios valid2 = [a for a in self.analyte_ratios if a.split('_')[0] in analytes] out = valid1.union(valid2) if len(out) == 0: raise ValueError(f'{analytes} does not match any valid analyte names.') if single: if len(out) > 1: raise ValueError(f'{analytes} matches more than one valid analyte ({out}). Please be more specific.') return out.pop() return out