Source code for latools.D_obj

The Data object, used to store and manipulate the data contained in a 
single laser ablation files. A core dependency of LAtools.

(c) Oscar Branson :
import re
import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import warnings
import sklearn.cluster as cl
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import uncertainties.unumpy as un

from IPython import display
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde, pearsonr
from sklearn import preprocessing

import latools.processes as proc

from .filtering import filters
from .filtering import clustering
from .filtering.filt_obj import filt
from .filtering.signal_optimiser import signal_optimiser, optimisation_plot

from .helpers import plot
from .helpers.helpers import (bool_2_indices, rolling_window, Bunch,
                              calc_grads, unitpicker, pretty_element,
                              findmins, stack_keys)
from .helpers.logging import _log
from .helpers.stat_fns import nominal_values, std_devs, unpack_uncertainties, nan_pearsonr
from .helpers.chemistry import to_mass_fraction, analyte_mass

[docs]class D(object): """ Container for data from a single laser ablation analysis. Parameters ---------- data_file : str The path to a data file. errorhunt : bool Whether or not to print each data file name before import. This is useful for tracing which data file is causing the import to fail. dataformat : dict A dataformat dict. See documentation for more details. Attributes ---------- sample : str Sample name. meta : dict Metadata extracted from the csv header. Contents varies, depending on your `dataformat`. analytes : array_like A list of analytes measured. data : dict A dictionary containing the raw data, and modified data from each processing stage. Entries can be: * 'rawdata': created during initialisation. * 'despiked': created by `despike` * 'signal': created by `autorange` * 'background': created by `autorange` * 'bkgsub': created by `bkg_correct` * 'ratios': created by `ratio` * 'calibrated': created by `calibrate` focus : dict A dictionary containing one item from `data`. This is the currently 'active' data that processing functions will work on. This data is also directly available as class attributes with the same names as the items in `focus`. focus_stage : str Identifies which item in `data` is currently assigned to `focus`. cmap : dict A dictionary containing hex colour strings corresponding to each measured analyte. bkg, sig, trn : array_like, bool Boolean arrays identifying signal, background and transition regions. Created by `autorange`. bkgrng, sigrng, trnrng : array_like An array of shape (n, 2) containing pairs of values that describe the Time limits of background, signal and transition regions. ns : array_like An integer array the same length as the data, where each analysis spot is labelled with a unique number. Used for separating analysis spots when calculating sample statistics. filt : filt object An object for storing, selecting and creating data filters.F """ def __init__(self, data_file, dataformat=None, errorhunt=False, cmap=None, internal_standard=None, name='file_names'): if errorhunt: # errorhunt prints each csv file name before it tries to load it, # so you can tell which file is failing to load. print(data_file) params = locals() del(params['self']) self.log = ['__init__ :: args=() kwargs={}'.format(str(params))] self.file = data_file self.internal_standard = internal_standard self.sample, analytes,, self.meta = proc.read_data(data_file, dataformat, name) self.analytes = set(analytes) # calculate total counts['total_counts'] = sum(['rawdata'].values()) # add placeholder for gradient info self.grads = Bunch() self.grads_calced = False # add placeholder for local correlations self.correlations = Bunch() # assign time information to attribute level self.Time =['Time'] self.tstep = self.Time[1] - self.Time[0] self.uTime = self.Time # placeholder for uTime # set focus to rawdata self.setfocus('rawdata') # make a colourmap for plotting self.cmap = \ dict(zip(self.analytes, [mpl.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in, 1, len(self.analytes)))])) # update colourmap with provided values if isinstance(cmap, dict): for k, v in cmap.items(): if k in self.cmap.keys(): self.cmap[k] = v # set up flags self.sig = np.array([False] * self.Time.size) self.bkg = np.array([False] * self.Time.size) self.trn = np.array([False] * self.Time.size) self.ns = np.zeros(self.Time.size) self.bkgrng = np.array([]).reshape(0, 2) self.sigrng = np.array([]).reshape(0, 2) # set up filtering environment self.filt = filt(self.Time.size, self.analytes) if errorhunt: print(' -> OK') return
[docs] @_log def setfocus(self, focus): """ Set the 'focus' attribute of the data file. The 'focus' attribute of the object points towards data from a particular stage of analysis. It is used to identify the 'working stage' of the data. Processing functions operate on the 'focus' stage, so if steps are done out of sequence, things will break. Names of analysis stages: * 'rawdata': raw data, loaded from csv file when object is initialised. * 'despiked': despiked data. * 'signal'/'background': isolated signal and background data, padded with np.nan. Created by self.separate, after signal and background regions have been identified by self.autorange. * 'bkgsub': background subtracted data, created by self.bkg_correct * 'ratios': element ratio data, created by self.ratio. * 'calibrated': ratio data calibrated to standards, created by self.calibrate. Parameters ---------- focus : str The name of the analysis stage desired. Returns ------- None """ self.focus =[focus] self.focus_stage = focus self.__dict__.update(self.focus)
# for k in self.focus.keys(): # setattr(self, k, self.focus[k])
[docs] @_log def despike(self, expdecay_despiker=True, exponent=None, noise_despiker=True, win=3, nlim=12., maxiter=3): """ Applies expdecay_despiker and noise_despiker to data. Parameters ---------- expdecay_despiker : bool Whether or not to apply the exponential decay filter. exponent : None or float The exponent for the exponential decay filter. If None, it is determined automatically using `find_expocoef`. noise_despiker : bool Whether or not to apply the standard deviation spike filter. win : int The rolling window over which the spike filter calculates the trace statistics. nlim : float The number of standard deviations above the rolling mean that data are excluded. maxiter : int The max number of times that the fitler is applied. Returns ------- None """ if not hasattr(self, 'despiked'):['despiked'] = Bunch() out = {} for a, v in self.focus.items(): if 'time' not in a.lower(): sig = v.copy() # copy data if expdecay_despiker: if exponent is not None: sig = proc.expdecay_despike(sig, exponent, self.tstep, maxiter) else: warnings.warn('exponent is None - either provide exponent, or run at `analyse`\nlevel to automatically calculate it.') if noise_despiker: sig = proc.noise_despike(sig, int(win), nlim, maxiter) out[a] = sig['despiked'].update(out) # recalculate total counts['total_counts'] = sum(['despiked'].values()) self.setfocus('despiked') return
[docs] @_log def autorange(self, analyte='total_counts', gwin=5, swin=3, win=30, on_mult=[1., 1.], off_mult=[1., 1.5], ploterrs=True, transform='log', **kwargs): """ Automatically separates signal and background data regions. Automatically detect signal and background regions in the laser data, based on the behaviour of a single analyte. The analyte used should be abundant and homogenous in the sample. **Step 1: Thresholding.** The background signal is determined using a gaussian kernel density estimator (kde) of all the data. Under normal circumstances, this kde should find two distinct data distributions, corresponding to 'signal' and 'background'. The minima between these two distributions is taken as a rough threshold to identify signal and background regions. Any point where the trace crosses this thrshold is identified as a 'transition'. **Step 2: Transition Removal.** The width of the transition regions between signal and background are then determined, and the transitions are excluded from analysis. The width of the transitions is determined by fitting a gaussian to the smoothed first derivative of the analyte trace, and determining its width at a point where the gaussian intensity is at at `conf` time the gaussian maximum. These gaussians are fit to subsets of the data centered around the transitions regions determined in Step 1, +/- `win` data points. The peak is further isolated by finding the minima and maxima of a second derivative within this window, and the gaussian is fit to the isolated peak. Parameters ---------- analyte : str The analyte that autorange should consider. For best results, choose an analyte that is present homogeneously in high concentrations. gwin : int The smoothing window used for calculating the first derivative. Must be odd. win : int Determines the width (c +/- win) of the transition data subsets. on_mult and off_mult : tuple, len=2 Factors to control the width of the excluded transition regions. A region n times the full - width - half - maximum of the transition gradient will be removed either side of the transition center. `on_mult` and `off_mult` refer to the laser - on and laser - off transitions, respectively. See manual for full explanation. Defaults to (1.5, 1) and (1, 1.5). Returns ------- Outputs added as instance attributes. Returns None. bkg, sig, trn : iterable, bool Boolean arrays identifying background, signal and transision regions bkgrng, sigrng and trnrng : iterable (min, max) pairs identifying the boundaries of contiguous True regions in the boolean arrays. """ if analyte is None: # sig = self.focus[self.internal_standard] sig =['total_counts'] elif analyte == 'total_counts': sig =['total_counts'] elif analyte in self.analytes: sig = self.focus[analyte] else: raise ValueError('Invalid analyte.') (self.bkg, self.sig, self.trn, failed) = proc.autorange(self.Time, sig, gwin=gwin, swin=swin, win=win, on_mult=on_mult, off_mult=off_mult, transform=transform) self.mkrngs() errs_to_plot = False if len(failed) > 0: errs_to_plot = True plotlines = [] for f in failed: if f != self.Time[-1]: plotlines.append(f) # warnings.warn(("\n\nSample {:s}: ".format(self.sample) + # "Transition identification at " + # "{:.1f} failed.".format(f) + # "\n **This is not necessarily a problem**" # "\nBut please check the data plots and make sure " + # "everything is OK.\n")) if ploterrs and errs_to_plot and len(plotlines) > 0: f, ax = self.tplot(ranges=True) for pl in plotlines: ax.axvline(pl, c='r', alpha=0.6, lw=3, ls='dashed') return f, plotlines else: return
[docs] def autorange_plot(self, analyte='total_counts', gwin=7, swin=None, win=20, on_mult=[1.5, 1.], off_mult=[1., 1.5], transform='log'): """ Plot a detailed autorange report for this sample. """ if analyte is None: # sig = self.focus[self.internal_standard] sig =['total_counts'] elif analyte == 'total_counts': sig =['total_counts'] elif analyte in self.analytes: sig = self.focus[analyte] else: raise ValueError('Invalid analyte.') if transform == 'log': sig = np.log10(sig) fig, axs = plot.autorange_plot(t=self.Time, sig=sig, gwin=gwin, swin=swin, win=win, on_mult=on_mult, off_mult=off_mult) return fig, axs
[docs] def mkrngs(self): """ Transform boolean arrays into list of limit pairs. Gets Time limits of signal/background boolean arrays and stores them as sigrng and bkgrng arrays. These arrays can be saved by 'save_ranges' in the analyse object. """ bbool = bool_2_indices(self.bkg) if bbool is not None: self.bkgrng = self.Time[bbool] else: self.bkgrng = [[np.nan, np.nan]] sbool = bool_2_indices(self.sig) if sbool is not None: self.sigrng = self.Time[sbool] else: self.sigrng = [[np.nan, np.nan]] tbool = bool_2_indices(self.trn) if tbool is not None: self.trnrng = self.Time[tbool] else: self.trnrng = [[np.nan, np.nan]] self.ns = np.zeros(self.Time.size) n = 1 for i in range(len(self.sig) - 1): if self.sig[i]: self.ns[i] = n if self.sig[i] and ~self.sig[i + 1]: n += 1 self.n = int(max(self.ns)) # record number of traces return
[docs] @_log def bkg_subtract(self, analyte, bkg, ind=None, focus_stage='despiked'): """ Subtract provided background from signal (focus stage). Results is saved in new 'bkgsub' focus stage Returns ------- None """ if 'bkgsub' not in['bkgsub'] = Bunch()['bkgsub'][analyte] =[focus_stage][analyte] - bkg if ind is not None:['bkgsub'][analyte][ind] = np.nan return
[docs] @_log def correct_spectral_interference(self, target_analyte, source_analyte, f): """ Correct spectral interference. Subtract interference counts from target_analyte, based on the intensity of a source_analayte and a known fractional contribution (f). Correction takes the form: target_analyte -= source_analyte * f Only operates on background-corrected data ('bkgsub'). To undo a correction, rerun `self.bkg_subtract()`. Parameters ---------- target_analyte : str The name of the analyte to modify. source_analyte : str The name of the analyte to base the correction on. f : float The fraction of the intensity of the source_analyte to subtract from the target_analyte. Correction is: target_analyte - source_analyte * f Returns ------- None """ if target_analyte not in self.analytes: raise ValueError('target_analyte: {:} not in available analytes ({:})'.format(target_analyte, ', '.join(self.analytes))) if source_analyte not in self.analytes: raise ValueError('source_analyte: {:} not in available analytes ({:})'.format(source_analyte, ', '.join(self.analytes)))['bkgsub'][target_analyte] -=['bkgsub'][source_analyte] * f
[docs] @_log def ratio(self, internal_standard=None, analytes=None): """ Divide all analytes by a specified internal_standard analyte. Parameters ---------- internal_standard : str The analyte used as the internal_standard. Returns ------- None """ if internal_standard is not None: self.internal_standard = internal_standard if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes elif isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes]['ratios'] = Bunch() for a in analytes:['ratios'][a] = (['bkgsub'][a] /['bkgsub'][self.internal_standard]) self.setfocus('ratios') return
[docs] @_log def calibrate(self, calib_ps, analytes=None): """ Apply calibration to data. The `calib_dict` must be calculated at the `analyse` level, and passed to this calibrate function. Parameters ---------- calib_dict : dict A dict of calibration values to apply to each analyte. Returns ------- None """ # can have calibration function stored in self and pass *coefs? if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes if 'calibrated' not in['calibrated'] = Bunch() for a in analytes: m = calib_ps[a]['m'].new(self.uTime) if 'c' in calib_ps[a]: c = calib_ps[a]['c'].new(self.uTime) else: c = 0['calibrated'][a] =['ratios'][a] * m + c if self.internal_standard not in analytes:['calibrated'][self.internal_standard] = \ np.empty(len(['ratios'][self.internal_standard])) self.setfocus('calibrated') return
[docs] def calc_mass_fraction(self, internal_standard_conc, analytes=None, analyte_masses=None): if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes.difference(self.internal_standard) if 'mass_fraction' not in['mass_fraction'] = Bunch() if analyte_masses is None: analyte_masses = analyte_mass(self.analytes) if np.isnan(internal_standard_conc): for a in analytes:['mass_fraction'][a] = np.full(['calibrated'][a].shape, np.nan) else: for a in analytes:['mass_fraction'][a] = to_mass_fraction(['calibrated'][a], internal_standard_conc, analyte_masses[a], analyte_masses[self.internal_standard]) self.setfocus('mass_fraction')
# Function for calculating sample statistics
[docs] @_log def sample_stats(self, analytes=None, filt=True, stat_fns={}, eachtrace=True): """ Calculate sample statistics Returns samples, analytes, and arrays of statistics of shape (samples, analytes). Statistics are calculated from the 'focus' data variable, so output depends on how the data have been processed. Parameters ---------- analytes : array_like List of analytes to calculate the statistic on filt : bool or str The filter to apply to the data when calculating sample statistics. bool: True applies filter specified in filt.switches. str: logical string specifying a partucular filter stat_fns : dict Dict of {name: function} pairs. Functions that take a single array_like input, and return a single statistic. Function should be able to cope with NaN values. eachtrace : bool True: per - ablation statistics False: whole sample statistics Returns ------- None """ if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes elif isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] self.stats = Bunch() self.stats['analytes'] = analytes with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) for n, f in stat_fns.items(): self.stats[n] = [] for a in analytes: ind = self.filt.grab_filt(filt, a) dat = nominal_values(self.focus[a]) if eachtrace: sts = [] for t in np.arange(self.n) + 1: sts.append(f(dat[ind & (self.ns == t)])) self.stats[n].append(sts) else: self.stats[n].append(f(dat[ind])) self.stats[n] = np.array(self.stats[n]) return
[docs] @_log def ablation_times(self): """ Function for calculating the ablation time for each ablation. Returns ------- dict of times for each ablation. """ ats = {} for n in np.arange(self.n) + 1: t = self.Time[self.ns == n] ats[n - 1] = t.max() - t.min() return ats
# Data Selections Tools
[docs] @_log def filter_threshold(self, analyte, threshold): """ Apply threshold filter. Generates threshold filters for the given analytes above and below the specified threshold. Two filters are created with prefixes '_above' and '_below'. '_above' keeps all the data above the threshold. '_below' keeps all the data below the threshold. i.e. to select data below the threshold value, you should turn the '_above' filter off. Parameters ---------- analyte : TYPE Description of `analyte`. threshold : TYPE Description of `threshold`. Returns ------- None """ params = locals() del(params['self']) # generate filter below, above = filters.threshold(self.focus[analyte], threshold) setn = self.filt.maxset + 1 self.filt.add(analyte + '_thresh_below', below, 'Keep below {:.3e} '.format(threshold) + analyte, params, setn=setn) self.filt.add(analyte + '_thresh_above', above, 'Keep above {:.3e} '.format(threshold) + analyte, params, setn=setn)
[docs] @_log def filter_gradient_threshold(self, analyte, win, threshold, recalc=True): """ Apply gradient threshold filter. Generates threshold filters for the given analytes above and below the specified threshold. Two filters are created with prefixes '_above' and '_below'. '_above' keeps all the data above the threshold. '_below' keeps all the data below the threshold. i.e. to select data below the threshold value, you should turn the '_above' filter off. Parameters ---------- analyte : str Description of `analyte`. threshold : float Description of `threshold`. win : int Window used to calculate gradients (n points) recalc : bool Whether or not to re-calculate the gradients. Returns ------- None """ params = locals() del(params['self']) # calculate absolute gradient if recalc or not self.grads_calced: self.grads = calc_grads(self.Time, self.focus, [analyte], win) self.grads_calced = True below, above = filters.threshold(abs(self.grads[analyte]), threshold) setn = self.filt.maxset + 1 self.filt.add(analyte + '_gthresh_below', below, 'Keep gradient below {:.3e} '.format(threshold) + analyte, params, setn=setn) self.filt.add(analyte + '_gthresh_above', above, 'Keep gradient above {:.3e} '.format(threshold) + analyte, params, setn=setn)
[docs] @_log def filter_clustering(self, analytes, filt=False, normalise=True, method='meanshift', include_time=False, sort=None, min_data=10, **kwargs): """ Applies an n - dimensional clustering filter to the data. Available Clustering Algorithms * 'meanshift': The `sklearn.cluster.MeanShift` algorithm. Automatically determines number of clusters in data based on the `bandwidth` of expected variation. * 'kmeans': The `sklearn.cluster.KMeans` algorithm. Determines the characteristics of a known number of clusters within the data. Must provide `n_clusters` to specify the expected number of clusters. * 'DBSCAN': The `sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN` algorithm. Automatically determines the number and characteristics of clusters within the data based on the 'connectivity' of the data (i.e. how far apart each data point is in a multi - dimensional parameter space). Requires you to set `eps`, the minimum distance point must be from another point to be considered in the same cluster, and `min_samples`, the minimum number of points that must be within the minimum distance for it to be considered a cluster. It may also be run in automatic mode by specifying `n_clusters` alongside `min_samples`, where eps is decreased until the desired number of clusters is obtained. For more information on these algorithms, refer to the documentation. Parameters ---------- analytes : str The analyte(s) that the filter applies to. filt : bool Whether or not to apply existing filters to the data before calculating this filter. normalise : bool Whether or not to normalise the data to zero mean and unit variance. Reccomended if clustering based on more than 1 analyte. Uses `sklearn.preprocessing.scale`. method : str Which clustering algorithm to use (see above). include_time : bool Whether or not to include the Time variable in the clustering analysis. Useful if you're looking for spatially continuous clusters in your data, i.e. this will identify each spot in your analysis as an individual cluster. sort : bool, str or array-like Whether or not to label the resulting clusters according to their contents. If used, the cluster with the lowest values will be labelled from 0, in order of increasing cluster mean value.analytes. The sorting rules depend on the value of 'sort', which can be the name of a single analyte (str), a list of several analyte names (array-like) or True (bool), to specify all analytes used to calcualte the cluster. min_data : int The minimum number of data points that should be considered by the filter. Default = 10. **kwargs Parameters passed to the clustering algorithm specified by `method`. Meanshift Parameters -------------------- bandwidth : str or float The bandwith (float) or bandwidth method ('scott' or 'silverman') used to estimate the data bandwidth. bin_seeding : bool Modifies the behaviour of the meanshift algorithm. Refer to sklearn.cluster.meanshift documentation. K - Means Parameters ------------------ n_clusters : int The number of clusters expected in the data. DBSCAN Parameters ----------------- eps : float The minimum 'distance' points must be apart for them to be in the same cluster. Defaults to 0.3. Note: If the data are normalised (they should be for DBSCAN) this is in terms of total sample variance. Normalised data have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. min_samples : int The minimum number of samples within distance `eps` required to be considered as an independent cluster. n_clusters : int The number of clusters expected. If specified, `eps` will be incrementally reduced until the expected number of clusters is found. maxiter : int The maximum number of iterations DBSCAN will run. Returns ------- None """ params = locals() del(params['self']) # convert string to list, if single analyte if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] setn = self.filt.maxset + 1 # generate filter vals = np.vstack(nominal_values(list(self.focus.values()))) if filt is not None: ind = (self.filt.grab_filt(filt, analytes) & np.apply_along_axis(all, 0, ~np.isnan(vals))) else: ind = np.apply_along_axis(all, 0, ~np.isnan(vals)) if sum(ind) > min_data: # get indices for data passed to clustering sampled = np.arange(self.Time.size)[ind] # generate data for clustering if include_time: extra = self.Time else: extra = None # get data as array ds = stack_keys(self.focus, analytes, extra) # apply filter, and get nominal values ds = nominal_values(ds[ind, :]) if normalise | (len(analytes) > 1): ds = preprocessing.scale(ds) method_key = {'kmeans': clustering.cluster_kmeans, # 'DBSCAN': clustering.cluster_DBSCAN, 'meanshift': clustering.cluster_meanshift} cfun = method_key[method] labels, core_samples_mask = cfun(ds, **kwargs) # return labels, and if DBSCAN core_sample_mask labels_unique = np.unique(labels) # label the clusters according to their contents if (sort is not None) & (sort is not False): if isinstance(sort, str): sort = [sort] sanalytes = analytes # make boolean filter to select analytes if sort is True: sortk = np.array([True] * len(sanalytes)) else: sortk = np.array([s in sort for s in sanalytes]) # create per-point mean based on selected analytes. sd = np.apply_along_axis(sum, 1, ds[:, sortk]) # calculate per-cluster means avs = [np.nanmean(sd[labels == lab]) for lab in labels_unique] # re-order the cluster labels based on their means order = [x[0] for x in sorted(enumerate(avs), key=lambda x:x[1])] sdict = dict(zip(order, labels_unique)) else: sdict = dict(zip(labels_unique, labels_unique)) filts = {} for ind, lab in sdict.items(): filts[lab] = labels == ind # only applies to DBSCAN results. if not all(np.isnan(core_samples_mask)): filts['core'] = core_samples_mask resized = {} for k, v in filts.items(): resized[k] = np.zeros(self.Time.size, dtype=bool) resized[k][sampled] = v namebase = '-'.join(analytes) + '_cluster-' + method info = '-'.join(analytes) + ' cluster filter.' if method == 'DBSCAN': for k, v in resized.items(): if isinstance(k, str): name = namebase + '_core' elif k < 0: name = namebase + '_noise' else: name = namebase + '_{:.0f}'.format(k) self.filt.add(name, v, info=info, params=params, setn=setn) else: for k, v in resized.items(): name = namebase + '_{:.0f}'.format(k) self.filt.add(name, v, info=info, params=params, setn=setn) else: # if there are no data name = '-'.join(analytes) + '_cluster-' + method + '_0' info = '-'.join(analytes) + ' cluster filter failed.' self.filt.add(name, np.zeros(self.Time.size, dtype=bool), info=info, params=params, setn=setn) return
[docs] @_log def calc_correlation(self, x_analyte, y_analyte, window=15, filt=True, recalc=True): """ Calculate local correlation between two analytes. Parameters ---------- x_analyte, y_analyte : str The names of the x and y analytes to correlate. window : int, None The rolling window used when calculating the correlation. filt : bool Whether or not to apply existing filters to the data before calculating this filter. recalc : bool If True, the correlation is re-calculated, even if it is already present. Returns ------- None """ label = '{:}_{:}_{:.0f}'.format(x_analyte, y_analyte, window) if label in self.correlations and not recalc: return # make window odd if window % 2 != 1: window += 1 # get filter ind = self.filt.grab_filt(filt, [x_analyte, y_analyte]) x = nominal_values(self.focus[x_analyte]) x[~ind] = np.nan xr = rolling_window(x, window, pad=np.nan) y = nominal_values(self.focus[y_analyte]) y[~ind] = np.nan yr = rolling_window(y, window, pad=np.nan) r, p = zip(*map(nan_pearsonr, xr, yr)) r = np.array(r) p = np.array(p) # save correlation info self.correlations[label] = r, p return
[docs] @_log def filter_correlation(self, x_analyte, y_analyte, window=15, r_threshold=0.9, p_threshold=0.05, filt=True, recalc=False): """ Calculate correlation filter. Parameters ---------- x_analyte, y_analyte : str The names of the x and y analytes to correlate. window : int, None The rolling window used when calculating the correlation. r_threshold : float The correlation index above which to exclude data. Note: the absolute pearson R value is considered, so negative correlations below -`r_threshold` will also be excluded. p_threshold : float The significant level below which data are excluded. filt : bool Whether or not to apply existing filters to the data before calculating this filter. recalc : bool If True, the correlation is re-calculated, even if it is already present. Returns ------- None """ # make window odd if window % 2 != 1: window += 1 params = locals() del(params['self']) setn = self.filt.maxset + 1 label = '{:}_{:}_{:.0f}'.format(x_analyte, y_analyte, window) self.calc_correlation(x_analyte, y_analyte, window, filt, recalc) r, p = self.correlations[label] cfilt = (abs(r) > r_threshold) & (p < p_threshold) cfilt = ~cfilt name = x_analyte + '_' + y_analyte + '_corr' self.filt.add(name=name, filt=cfilt, info=(x_analyte + ' vs. ' + y_analyte + ' correlation filter.'), params=params, setn=setn) self.filt.on(analyte=y_analyte, filt=name) return
[docs] @_log def correlation_plot(self, x_analyte, y_analyte, window=15, filt=True, recalc=False): """ Plot the local correlation between two analytes. Parameters ---------- x_analyte, y_analyte : str The names of the x and y analytes to correlate. window : int, None The rolling window used when calculating the correlation. filt : bool Whether or not to apply existing filters to the data before calculating this filter. recalc : bool If True, the correlation is re-calculated, even if it is already present. Returns ------- fig, axs : figure and axes objects """ label = '{:}_{:}_{:.0f}'.format(x_analyte, y_analyte, window) self.calc_correlation(x_analyte, y_analyte, window, filt, recalc) r, p = self.correlations[label] fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=[7, 5], sharex=True) # plot analytes ax = axs[0] ax.plot(self.Time, nominal_values(self.focus[x_analyte]), color=self.cmap[x_analyte], label=x_analyte) ax.plot(self.Time, nominal_values(self.focus[y_analyte]), color=self.cmap[y_analyte], label=y_analyte) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Signals') # plot r ax = axs[1] ax.plot(self.Time, r) ax.set_ylabel('Pearson R') # plot p ax = axs[2] ax.plot(self.Time, p) ax.set_ylabel('pignificance Level (p)') fig.tight_layout() return fig, axs
[docs] @_log def filter_new(self, name, filt_str): """ Make new filter from combination of other filters. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new filter. Should be unique. filt_str : str A logical combination of partial strings which will create the new filter. For example, 'Albelow & Mnbelow' will combine all filters that partially match 'Albelow' with those that partially match 'Mnbelow' using the 'AND' logical operator. Returns ------- None """ filt = self.filt.grab_filt(filt=filt_str) self.filt.add(name, filt, info=filt_str) return
[docs] @_log def filter_trim(self, start=1, end=1, filt=True): """ Remove points from the start and end of filter regions. Parameters ---------- start, end : int The number of points to remove from the start and end of the specified filter. filt : valid filter string or bool Which filter to trim. If True, applies to currently active filters. """ params = locals() del(params['self']) f = self.filt.grab_filt(filt) nf = filters.trim(f, start, end) self.filt.add('trimmed_filter', nf, 'Trimmed Filter ({:.0f} start, {:.0f} end)'.format(start, end), params, setn=self.filt.maxset + 1)
[docs] @_log def filter_exclude_downhole(self, threshold, filt=True): """ Exclude all points down-hole (after) the first excluded data. Parameters ---------- threhold : int The minimum number of contiguous excluded data points that must exist before downhole exclusion occurs. file : valid filter string or bool Which filter to consider. If True, applies to currently active filters. """ f = self.filt.grab_filt(filt) if self.n == 1: nfilt = filters.exclude_downhole(f, threshold) else: nfilt = [] for i in range(self.n): nf = self.ns == i + 1 nfilt.append(filters.exclude_downhole(f & nf, threshold)) nfilt = np.apply_along_axis(any, 0, nfilt) self.filt.add(name='downhole_excl_{:.0f}'.format(threshold), filt=nfilt, info='Exclude data downhole of {:.0f} consecutive filtered points.'.format(threshold), params=(threshold, filt))
# Signal optimiser
[docs] @_log def signal_optimiser(self, analytes, min_points=5, threshold_mode='kde_first_max', threshold_mult=1., x_bias=0, weights=None, filt=True, mode='minimise'): """ Optimise data selection based on specified analytes. Identifies the longest possible contiguous data region in the signal where the relative standard deviation (std) and concentration of all analytes is minimised. Optimisation is performed via a grid search of all possible contiguous data regions. For each region, the mean std and mean scaled analyte concentration ('amplitude') are calculated. The size and position of the optimal data region are identified using threshold std and amplitude values. Thresholds are derived from all calculated stds and amplitudes using the method specified by `threshold_mode`. For example, using the 'kde_max' method, a probability density function (PDF) is calculated for std and amplitude values, and the threshold is set as the maximum of the PDF. These thresholds are then used to identify the size and position of the longest contiguous region where the std is below the threshold, and the amplitude is either below the threshold. All possible regions of the data that have at least `min_points` are considered. For a graphical demonstration of the action of signal_optimiser, use `optimisation_plot`. Parameters ---------- d : latools.D object An latools data object. analytes : str or array-like Which analytes to consider. min_points : int The minimum number of contiguous points to consider. threshold_mode : str The method used to calculate the optimisation thresholds. Can be 'mean', 'median', 'kde_max' or 'bayes_mvs', or a custom function. If a function, must take a 1D array, and return a single, real number. weights : array-like of length len(analytes) An array of numbers specifying the importance of each analyte considered. Larger number makes the analyte have a greater effect on the optimisation. Default is None. """ params = locals() del(params['self']) setn = self.filt.maxset + 1 if isinstance(analytes, str): analytes = [analytes] # get filter if filt is not False: ind = (self.filt.grab_filt(filt, analytes)) else: ind = np.full(self.Time.shape, True) errmsg = [] ofilt = [] self.opt = {} for i in range(self.n): nind = ind & (self.ns == i + 1) self.opt[i + 1], err = signal_optimiser(self, analytes=analytes, min_points=min_points, threshold_mode=threshold_mode, threshold_mult=threshold_mult, weights=weights, ind=nind, x_bias=x_bias, mode=mode) if err == '': ofilt.append(self.opt[i + 1].filt) else: errmsg.append(self.sample + '_{:.0f}: '.format(i + 1) + err) if len(ofilt) > 0: ofilt = np.apply_along_axis(any, 0, ofilt) name = 'optimise_' + '_'.join(analytes) self.filt.add(name=name, filt=ofilt, info="Optimisation filter to minimise " + ', '.join(analytes), params=params, setn=setn) if len(errmsg) > 0: return '\n'.join(errmsg) else: return ''
[docs] @_log def optimisation_plot(self, overlay_alpha=0.5, **kwargs): """ Plot the result of signal_optimise. `signal_optimiser` must be run first, and the output stored in the `opt` attribute of the latools.D object. Parameters ---------- d : latools.D object A latools data object. overlay_alpha : float The opacity of the threshold overlays. Between 0 and 1. **kwargs Passed to `tplot` """ return optimisation_plot(self, overlay_alpha=0.5, **kwargs)
[docs] @_log def tplot(self, analytes=None, figsize=[10, 4], scale='log', filt=None, ranges=False, stats=False, stat='nanmean', err='nanstd', focus_stage=None, err_envelope=False, ax=None): """ Plot analytes as a function of Time. Parameters ---------- analytes : array_like list of strings containing names of analytes to plot. None = all analytes. figsize : tuple size of final figure. scale : str or None 'log' = plot data on log scale filt : bool, str or dict False: plot unfiltered data. True: plot filtered data over unfiltered data. str: apply filter key to all analytes dict: apply key to each analyte in dict. Must contain all analytes plotted. Can use self.filt.keydict. ranges : bool show signal/background regions. stats : bool plot average and error of each trace, as specified by `stat` and `err`. stat : str average statistic to plot. err : str error statistic to plot. Returns ------- figure, axis """ return plot.tplot(self=self, analytes=analytes, figsize=figsize, scale=scale, filt=filt, ranges=ranges, stats=stats, stat=stat, err=err, focus_stage=focus_stage, err_envelope=err_envelope, ax=ax)
[docs] @_log def gplot(self, analytes=None, win=5, figsize=[10, 4], ranges=False, focus_stage=None, ax=None): """ Plot analytes gradients as a function of Time. Parameters ---------- analytes : array_like list of strings containing names of analytes to plot. None = all analytes. win : int The window over which to calculate the rolling gradient. figsize : tuple size of final figure. ranges : bool show signal/background regions. Returns ------- figure, axis """ return plot.gplot(self=self, analytes=analytes, win=win, figsize=figsize, ranges=ranges, focus_stage=focus_stage, ax=ax)
# if type(analytes) is str: # analytes = [analytes] # if analytes is None: # analytes = self.analytes # if focus_stage is None: # focus_stage = self.focus_stage # fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .12, .77, .8]) # x = self.Time # grads = calc_grads(x,[focus_stage], analytes, win) # for a in analytes: # ax.plot(x, grads[a], color=self.cmap[a], label=a) # if ranges: # for lims in self.bkgrng: # ax.axvspan(*lims, color='k', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) # for lims in self.sigrng: # ax.axvspan(*lims, color='r', alpha=0.1, zorder=-1) # ax.text(0.01, 0.99, self.sample + ' : ' + self.focus_stage + ' : gradient', # transform=ax.transAxes, # ha='left', va='top') # ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') # ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)) # # y label # ud = {'rawdata': 'counts/s', # 'despiked': 'counts/s', # 'bkgsub': 'background corrected counts/s', # 'ratios': 'counts/{:s} count/s', # 'calibrated': 'mol/mol {:s}/s'} # if focus_stage in ['ratios', 'calibrated']: # ud[focus_stage] = ud[focus_stage].format(self.internal_standard) # ax.set_ylabel(ud[focus_stage]) # # y tick format # def yfmt(x, p): # return '{:.0e}'.format(x) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(yfmt)) # ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1)) # ax.axhline(0, c='k', lw=1, ls='dashed', alpha=0.5) # return fig, ax
[docs] @_log def crossplot(self, analytes=None, bins=25, lognorm=True, filt=True, colourful=True, figsize=(12, 12)): """ Plot analytes against each other. Parameters ---------- analytes : optional, array_like or str The analyte(s) to plot. Defaults to all analytes. lognorm : bool Whether or not to log normalise the colour scale of the 2D histogram. bins : int The number of bins in the 2D histogram. filt : str, dict or bool Either logical filter expression contained in a str, a dict of expressions specifying the filter string to use for each analyte or a boolean. Passed to `grab_filt`. Returns ------- (fig, axes) """ if analytes is None: analytes = self.analytes if self.focus_stage in ['ratio', 'calibrated']: analytes = [a for a in analytes if self.internal_standard not in a] if figsize[0] < 1.5 * len(analytes): figsize = [1.5 * len(analytes)] * 2 numvars = len(analytes) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=numvars, ncols=numvars, figsize=(12, 12)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) for ax in axes.flat: ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if ax.is_first_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if ax.is_last_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') if ax.is_first_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') if ax.is_last_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # set up colour scales if colourful: cmlist = ['Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd'] else: cmlist = ['Greys'] while len(cmlist) < len(analytes): cmlist *= 2 udict = {} for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices_from(axes, k=1)): for x, y in [(i, j), (j, i)]: # set unit multipliers mx, ux = unitpicker(np.nanmean(self.focus[analytes[x]]), denominator=self.internal_standard, focus_stage=self.focus_stage) my, uy = unitpicker(np.nanmean(self.focus[analytes[y]]), denominator=self.internal_standard, focus_stage=self.focus_stage) udict[analytes[x]] = (x, ux) # get filter xd = nominal_values(self.focus[analytes[x]]) yd = nominal_values(self.focus[analytes[y]]) ind = (self.filt.grab_filt(filt, analytes[x]) & self.filt.grab_filt(filt, analytes[y]) & ~np.isnan(xd) & ~np.isnan(yd)) # make plot pi = xd[ind] * mx pj = yd[ind] * my # determine normalisation shceme if lognorm: norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm() else: norm = None # draw plots axes[i, j].hist2d(pj, pi, bins, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmlist[i])) axes[j, i].hist2d(pi, pj, bins, norm=norm, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmlist[j])) axes[x, y].set_ylim([pi.min(), pi.max()]) axes[x, y].set_xlim([pj.min(), pj.max()]) # diagonal labels for a, (i, u) in udict.items(): axes[i, i].annotate(a + '\n' + u, (0.5, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction', ha='center', va='center') # switch on alternating axes for i, j in zip(range(numvars), itertools.cycle((-1, 0))): axes[j, i].xaxis.set_visible(True) for label in axes[j, i].get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) axes[i, j].yaxis.set_visible(True) axes[0, 0].set_title(self.sample, weight='bold', x=0.05, ha='left') return fig, axes
[docs] def crossplot_filters(self, filter_string, analytes=None): """ Plot the results of a group of filters in a crossplot. Parameters ---------- filter_string : str A string that identifies a group of filters. e.g. 'test' would plot all filters with 'test' in the name. analytes : optional, array_like or str The analyte(s) to plot. Defaults to all analytes. Returns ------- fig, axes objects """ if analytes is None: analytes = [a for a in self.analytes if 'Ca' not in a] # isolate relevant filters filts = self.filt.components.keys() cfilts = [f for f in filts if filter_string in f] flab = re.compile('.*_(.*)$') # regex to get cluster number # set up axes numvars = len(analytes) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=numvars, ncols=numvars, figsize=(12, 12)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) for ax in axes.flat: ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if ax.is_first_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if ax.is_last_col(): ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') if ax.is_first_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') if ax.is_last_row(): ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # isolate nominal_values for all analytes focus = {k: nominal_values(v) for k, v in self.focus.items()} # determine units for all analytes udict = {a: unitpicker(np.nanmean(focus[a]), denominator=self.internal_standard, focus_stage=self.focus_stage) for a in analytes} # determine ranges for all analytes rdict = {a: (np.nanmin(focus[a] * udict[a][0]), np.nanmax(focus[a] * udict[a][0])) for a in analytes} for f in cfilts: ind = self.filt.grab_filt(f) focus = {k: nominal_values(v[ind]) for k, v in self.focus.items()} lab = flab.match(f).groups()[0] axes[0, 0].scatter([], [], s=10, label=lab) for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices_from(axes, k=1)): # get analytes ai = analytes[i] aj = analytes[j] # remove nan, apply multipliers pi = focus[ai][~np.isnan(focus[ai])] * udict[ai][0] pj = focus[aj][~np.isnan(focus[aj])] * udict[aj][0] # make plot axes[i, j].scatter(pj, pi, alpha=0.4, s=10, lw=0) axes[j, i].scatter(pi, pj, alpha=0.4, s=10, lw=0) axes[i, j].set_ylim(*rdict[ai]) axes[i, j].set_xlim(*rdict[aj]) axes[j, i].set_ylim(*rdict[aj]) axes[j, i].set_xlim(*rdict[ai]) # diagonal labels for a, n in zip(analytes, np.arange(len(analytes))): axes[n, n].annotate(a + '\n' + udict[a][1], (0.5, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction', ha='center', va='center') axes[n, n].set_xlim(*rdict[a]) axes[n, n].set_ylim(*rdict[a]) axes[0, 0].legend(loc='upper left', title=filter_string, fontsize=8) # switch on alternating axes for i, j in zip(range(numvars), itertools.cycle((-1, 0))): axes[j, i].xaxis.set_visible(True) for label in axes[j, i].get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) axes[i, j].yaxis.set_visible(True) return fig, axes
[docs] def filt_nremoved(self, filt=True): ntot = sum(self.sig) nfilt = sum(self.filt.grab_filt(filt) & self.sig) pcrm = 100. * (ntot - nfilt) / ntot return (ntot, nfilt, pcrm)
[docs] @_log def filter_report(self, filt=None, analytes=None, savedir=None, nbin=5): """ Visualise effect of data filters. Parameters ---------- filt : str Exact or partial name of filter to plot. Supports partial matching. i.e. if 'cluster' is specified, all filters with 'cluster' in the name will be plotted. Defaults to all filters. analyte : str Name of analyte to plot. save : str file path to save the plot Returns ------- (fig, axes) """ return plot.filter_report(self, filt, analytes, savedir, nbin)
# reporting
[docs] def get_params(self): """ Returns paramters used to process data. Returns ------- dict dict of analysis parameters """ outputs = ['sample', 'ratio_params', 'despike_params', 'autorange_params', 'bkgcorrect_params'] out = {} for o in outputs: out[o] = getattr(self, o) out['filter_params'] = self.filt.params out['filter_sequence'] = self.filt.sequence out['filter_used'] = self.filt.make_keydict() return out