Source code for latools.preprocessing.split

Functions for splitting long files into multiple short ones.

(c) Oscar Branson :
import re
import os
import json
import datetime
import dateutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pkg_resources as pkgrs
from warnings import warn
from ..processes import read_data, autorange
from ..helpers.helpers import analyte_2_namemass, bool_2_indices
from import read_dataformat

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def by_regex(file, outdir=None, split_pattern=None, global_header_rows=0, fname_pattern=None, trim_tail_lines=0, trim_head_lines=0): """ Split one long analysis file into multiple smaller ones. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to the file you want to split. outdir : str The directory to save the split files to. If None, files are saved to a new directory called 'split', which is created inside the data directory. split_pattern : regex string A regular expression that will match lines in the file that mark the start of a new section. Does not have to match the whole line, but must provide a positive match to the lines containing the pattern. global_header_rows : int How many rows at the start of the file to include in each new sub-file. fname_pattern : regex string A regular expression that identifies a new file name in the lines identified by split_pattern. If none, files will be called 'noname_N'. The extension of the main file will be used for all sub-files. trim_head_lines : int If greater than zero, this many lines are removed from the start of each segment trim_tail_lines : int If greater than zero, this many lines are removed from the end of each segment Returns ------- Path to new directory : str """ # create output sirectory if outdir is None: outdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), 'split') if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) # read input file with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # get file extension extension = os.path.splitext(file)[-1] # grab global header rows global_header = lines[:global_header_rows] # find indices of lines containing split_pattern starts = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if, line): starts.append(i) starts.append(len(lines)) # get length of lines # split lines into segments based on positions of regex splits = {} for i in range(len(starts) - 1): m =, lines[starts[i]]) if m: fname = m.groups()[0].strip() else: fname = 'no_name_{:}'.format(i) splits[fname] = global_header + lines[starts[i]:starts[i+1]][trim_head_lines:trim_tail_lines] # write files print('Writing files to: {:}'.format(outdir)) for k, v in splits.items(): fname = (k + extension).replace(' ', '_') with open(os.path.join(outdir, fname), 'w') as f: f.writelines(v) print(' {:}'.format(fname)) print('Done.') return outdir
[docs]def long_file(data_file, dataformat, sample_list, analyte='total_counts', savedir=None, srm_id=None, combine_same_name=True, defrag_to_match_sample_list=True, min_points=0, plot=True, **autorange_args): """ Split single long files containing multiple analyses into multiple files containing single analyses. Imports a long datafile and uses `latools.processes.autorange` to identify ablations in the long file based on your chosen analyte. The data are then saved as multiple files each containing a single ablation, named using the list of names you provide. Data will be saved in latools' 'REPRODUCE' format. WARNING: This functionality is currently *very beta*. Use carefully. TODO: Check for existing files in savedir, don't overwrite? Parameters ---------- data_file : str The path to the data file you want to read. dataformat : dataformat dict A valid dataformat dict. See online documentation for more details. sample_list : array-like A list of strings that will be used to name the individual files. analyte : str The analyte that autorange uses to identify ablations. Can be any valid analyte in the data. Defaults to 'total_counts'. savedir : str The directory to save the data in. Defaults to the name of the data_file, appended with '_split'. srm_id : str If given, all file names containing srm_id will be replaced with srm_id. **autorange_args Additional arguments passed to la.processes.autorange used for identifying ablations. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(sample_list, str): if os.path.exists(sample_list): sample_list = np.genfromtxt(sample_list, dtype=str) else: raise ValueError('File {} not found.') else: sample_list = np.asanyarray(sample_list) if srm_id is not None: srm_replace = [] for s in sample_list: if srm_id in s: s = srm_id srm_replace.append(s) sample_list = srm_replace dataformat = read_dataformat(dataformat, silent=False) _, _, dat, meta = read_data(data_file, dataformat=dataformat, name_mode='file') if 'date' in meta: d = dateutil.parser.parse(meta['date']) else: d = # analyte handling if analyte == 'total_counts': y_data = dat['total_counts'] elif analyte in dat['rawdata'].keys(): y_data = dat['rawdata'][analyte] else: valid = list(dat['rawdata'].keys()) + ['total_counts'] raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid analyte. Please use one of:\n {}".format(analyte, valid)) # autorange bkg, sig, _, _ = autorange(dat['Time'], y_data, **autorange_args) ns = np.zeros(sig.size) ns[sig] = np.cumsum((sig ^ np.roll(sig, 1)) & sig)[sig] n = int(max(ns)) nsamples = len(sample_list) if nsamples != n: print('Number of samples in list ({}) does not match number of ablations ({}).'.format(nsamples, n)) if nsamples < n: print(' -> There are more ablations than samples...') if defrag_to_match_sample_list: print(' Removing data fragments to match sample list length.') while nsamples < n: min_points += 1 sig = sig & np.roll(sig, min_points) ns = np.zeros(sig.size) ns[sig] = np.cumsum((sig ^ np.roll(sig, 1)) & sig)[sig] n = int(max(ns)) print(' (Removed data fragments < {} points long)'.format(min_points)) elif isinstance(min_points, (int, float)): # minimum point filter sig = sig & np.roll(sig, min_points) ns = np.zeros(sig.size) ns[sig] = np.cumsum((sig ^ np.roll(sig, 1)) & sig)[sig] n = int(max(ns)) else: print(' -> There are more samples than ablations...') print(' Check your sample list is correct. If so, consider') print(' adding autorange_params to change the signal detection.') return minn = min([len(sample_list), n]) # calculate split boundaries bounds = [] lower = 0 sn = 0 next_sample = '' for ni in range(minn-1): sample = sample_list[sn] next_sample = sample_list[sn + 1] if not combine_same_name or sample != next_sample: current_end = np.argwhere(dat['Time'] == dat['Time'][ns == ni + 1].max())[0] next_start = np.argwhere(dat['Time'] == dat['Time'][ns == ni + 2].min())[0] upper = (current_end + next_start) // 2 bounds.append((sample, (int(lower), int(upper)))) lower = upper + 1 sn += 1 bounds.append((sample_list[-1], (int(upper) + 1, len(ns)))) # split up data sections = {} seen = {} for s, (lo, hi) in bounds: if s not in seen: seen[s] = 0 else: seen[s] += 1 s += '_{}'.format(seen[s]) sections[s] = {'oTime': dat['Time'][lo:hi]} sections[s]['Time'] = sections[s]['oTime'] - np.nanmin(sections[s]['oTime']) sections[s]['rawdata'] = {} for k, v in dat['rawdata'].items(): sections[s]['rawdata'][k] = v[lo:hi] sections[s]['starttime'] = d + datetime.timedelta(seconds=np.nanmin(sections[s]['oTime'])) sections[s]['total_counts'] = dat['total_counts'][lo:hi] # save output if savedir is None: savedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(data_file)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_file))[0] + '_split') if not os.path.isdir(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) header = ['# Long data file split by latools on {}'.format('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'))] if 'date' not in meta: header.append('# Warning: No date specified in file - Analysis Times are date file was split. ') else: header.append('# ') header.append('# ') header.append('# ') flist = [] for s, sdat in sections.items(): iheader = header.copy() iheader.append('# Sample: {}'.format(s)) iheader.append('# Analysis Time: {}'.format(sdat['starttime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) iheader = '\n'.join(iheader) + '\n' out = pd.DataFrame({analyte_2_namemass(k): v for k, v in sdat['rawdata'].items()}, index=sdat['Time']) = 'Time' csv = out.to_csv() with open('{}/{}.csv'.format(savedir, s), 'w') as f: f.write(iheader) f.write(csv) flist.append(' {}.csv'.format(s)) print("Success! File split into {} sections.".format(n)) print("New files saved to:\n{}/\n{}\n\nImport the split files using the 'REPRODUCE' configuration.".format(os.path.relpath(savedir), '\n'.join(flist))) if plot: return plot_long_file_split(dat, sig, bkg, sections) else: return None
# return dat, sig, sections
[docs]def plot_long_file_split(dat, sig, bkg, sections): n = len(sections) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(n * 1.5, 2.5)) ax.plot(dat['Time'], dat['total_counts'], c=(0,0,0,0)) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim(dat['Time'].min(), dat['Time'].max()) ylim = ax.get_ylim() yrng = np.ptp(ylim) xlim = ax.get_xlim() xrng = np.ptp(xlim) for s, d in sections.items(): line = ax.plot(d['oTime'], d['total_counts']) ax.axvline(d['oTime'][0], color=line[0].get_color()) ax.text(d['oTime'][0] + 0.02 * xrng / n, ylim[0] + 0.95 * yrng, s, rotation=90, ha='left', va='top', color=line[0].get_color()) sigs = bool_2_indices(sig) for slo, shi in sigs: ax.axvspan(dat['Time'][slo], dat['Time'][shi], zorder=-2, color=(.8,.7,0,0.15), lw=0) bkgs = bool_2_indices(bkg) for blo, bhi in bkgs: ax.axvspan(dat['Time'][blo], dat['Time'][bhi], zorder=-2, color=(.2,.2,0,0.1), lw=0) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax